What was done in July at Integromat

Ondřej Gazda
The Glue of the Internet
2 min readAug 8, 2017

We are working hard to update Integromat every day so here’s a little overview of what happened in the last few weeks:

New apps

Helpscout — Ticket numbers, customer portals & robo-emails aren’t a great way to build trust. Help Scout makes every customer interaction a personalized one.

Twist — Twist is the communication tool for teams who believe there’s more to work than keeping up with group chat apps.

Office 365 Excel — Excel Online extends your Microsoft Excel experience to the web browser, where you can work with workbooks directly on the website where the workbook is stored.

Pocket — When you find something you want to view later, put it in Pocket.

Freshdesk — With Freshdesk, your teams can work together to resolve customer issues faster.

Basecamp 3 — Basecamp organizes your communication, projects, and client work together so you have a central source of truth.

Phaxio — Send and receive fax through advanced best-in-class API.

Toodledo — A flexible and multi-functional tool that will improve your productivity.

Placeholder — A quick and simple image placeholder service.

Apifier — A cloud-based web scraper that extracts structured data from any website using a few simple lines of JavaScript.

Notable changes

We are releasing smaller features on regular basis, here are some of them:

  • We did some updates to scenario executions log. It’s now easier to read :)
  • Two new IML functions: `capitalize(text)` and `ascii(text, [removeDiacritics])`

We have made many upgrades to our existing apps, here are some examples:

  • SuiteCRM 7 & SugarCRM 6: new Search and Update actions and Getting an object ID action.
  • GetResponse: It’s now possible to search within campaigns and contacts.
  • Evernote: You can now Share a note and Append content to a note.
  • Todoist: You can now search for items and work with labels :)
  • Knack: You can now search for a record and update it.
  • Typeform: Now with support for hidden fields.
  • Google Calendar: Triggering on deleted events.
  • Harvest: Watch time entries action.
  • Wordpress: Support for uploading files.

We are still working on new features, stay tuned! If you would like to know about everything we do, follow us at Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

