When Choosing Integration Software, You Must Never Lose Sight of the Product

The Glue of the Internet
3 min readNov 12, 2019
Illustration from unDraw

Integrations are the future, and it shows.

You can see it in the recent acquisition of PieSync by HubSpot.

You can see it in Google’s early bet on Apigee.

You can see it in reports and in the news.

You can see it in most companies, actually. Nowadays, everyone wants to make their product as “integrable” as possible, and also to have products featuring relevant, useful integrations. And there’s a very good reason for this: it’s called data.

Data (Alone) Can’t Buy You Love

The premise of data is simple: companies with the ability to get and process data in a fast, efficient manner tend to have an edge over their competitors.

The catch, however, is that data often comes in a variety of formats, at uneven times, and from many different sources, including:

  • Internal and external APIs
  • Databases
  • Files

And, of course, accessing and processing data from different sources requires integrations.

At this point, companies can choose to develop their own integrations from scratch (in-house or outsourcing the work) or to get a product that allows creating integrations in a fast, reliable manner.

This is exactly what Integromat offers: a no-code visual platform to integrate hundreds of different apps and take data processing to a whole new level.

The Right Choice is the One That Fits Your Needs

Up to this day, most companies depend on programmers to create integrations. However, there are 3 major problems associated with this situation:

  1. Programmers are scarce
  2. Programmer scarcity drives costs up
  3. Dependance on programmers frustrates non-programmers who can identify the integrations that are needed but can’t code them themselves.

Just for reference, the cost per hour of a skilled developer ranges from $75 to $400 per hour.

Enter Integromat. As a powerful no-code tool, Integromat expands the pool of people able to create integrations between apps (and if that wasn’t enough, the price tag stands way below the figures mentioned above).

In our view, the implications of this are huge: a larger pool of talent reduces dependency on programmers, brings down operating costs, and allows for more diverse teams.

And last, but not least, Integromat empowers companies with new ways to access and process data for hundreds of different apps.

So, how to choose the right integration software? It’s not easy, but you can start by looking at:

  1. Power and capabilities of the product
  2. Customer support
  3. Reviews
  4. Pricing

And to conclude, try the free version whenever you can. This will allow for an informed decision.

App Integration, Human Augmentation

At Integromat we have a clear understanding of what we offer. Our focus is set on delivering

  1. The most powerful no-code cloud integration tool
  2. At a friendly price point

All while guaranteeing best-in-class customer support and a growing number of features.

On a broader level, we want to become an agent of change for workplaces around the world — one that expands the frontier of what teams can do.

That’s what Integromat is all about. Like Product Hunt’s CEO Ryan Hoover, we want diverse, productive workplaces where makers can thrive and multiply.

We may not be at the top of our market yet.

We may not have VC billions pouring over our heads.

But we do have a great product, an incredible team, and most importantly, we love a good challenge.

In a world where product is king, Integromat rules. Or so they say.

Bring all your tools together with Integromat, a web-based tool to connect apps and automate workflows using a beautiful, no-code visual builder. The inbuilt HTTP app enables you to connect to any web service or API without writing a single line of code.

Integromat’s free plan comes with all its powerful features; give it a go and you might just fall in love!



The Glue of the Internet

Connect apps and automate workflows using a beautiful, no-code visual builder.