Automatic Speech Recognition Using OpenAI Whisper without a GPU

Easy Step-by-Step Guide to English and French Transcription and Translation on CPUs

Benjamin Consolvo
Intel Analytics Software
7 min readMar 13, 2024


Whisper architecture diagram from Radford et al (2022): a transformer model “is trained on many different speech processing tasks, including multilingual speech recognition, speech translation, spoken language identification, and voice activity detection. All of these tasks are jointly represented as a sequence of tokens to be predicted by the decoder, allowing for a single model to replace many different stages of a traditional speech processing pipeline.”

Automatic speech recognition is the ability to convert human speech to written text. The idea is to take a piece of recorded audio and transcribe it into written words in the same language, or first translate it to another language and then transcribe it in that new target language. Whisper is a very popular series of open-source automatic speech recognition and translation models from OpenAI. I grew up in Canada and happen to speak English and French. In this article, I will give you a practical hands-on example, with code, that I used to perform transcription and translation from English-to-English, English-to-French, French-to-French, and French-to-English. The idea is to equip you with the tools you need to run inference yourself for all of your translation or transcription needs. The example will also enable you to deploy the code without the need for a GPU and instead use more widely available CPUs.

Whisper Models

Whisper models, at the time of writing, are receiving over 1M downloads per month on Hugging Face (see whisper-large-v3). Whisper was trained on an impressive 680K hours (or 77 years!) of labeled audio data. Table 1 gives a summary of the current Whisper models available. We will be focused on the latest large-v3 model in this article, which shows a big gain in accuracy of 10–20% over large-v2.

Table 1: Whisper models, parameter sizes, and languages available. The large-v3 model is the one used in this article (source: openai/whisper-large-v3).

Whisper Sample Code

I will walk you through the code I used to run inference on a CPU for Whisper. The PyTorch code is largely taken from the samples given here:, with some slight modifications to run on CPU.

Install Dependencies

First, from the command line, install the PyTorch CPU version. At the time of writing, this is PyTorch version 2.2.1+cpu.

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

And then install the requirements.txt file with other dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are running these in a notebook environment, and this is your first time installing these packages, you will need to shut down this notebook kernel by going to Kernel — Shut Down Kernel and then re-open it to make sure all the packages are recognized in the notebook.


Then, import the appropriate libraries for Whisper:

import warnings
from transformers import AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq, AutoProcessor, pipeline
from datasets import load_dataset, Audio
import torch
from IPython.display import Audio as display_Audio, display
import torchaudio

Model Loading and Sample Inference

Now, we are ready to set our device, load the Whisper model from Hugging Face, and run a sample inference from the dataset distil-whisper/librispeech_long.

#English transcription full example from
device = torch.device('cpu')
torch_dtype = torch.float32

model_id = "openai/whisper-large-v3"

model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained(
model_id, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, use_safetensors=True

processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id)

pipe = pipeline(

dataset = load_dataset("distil-whisper/librispeech_long", "clean", split="validation")
sample = dataset[0]["audio"]
result = pipe(sample)

After running inference, you should see this output:

Mr. Quilter is the apostle of the middle classes, and we are glad to welcome his gospel. Nor is Mr. Quilter's manner less interesting than his matter. He tells us that at this festive season of the year, with Christmas and roast beef looming before us, similes drawn from eating and its results occur most readily to the mind. He has grave doubts whether Sir Frederick Leighton's work is really Greek after all, and can discover in it but little of rocky Ithaca. Linnell's pictures are a sort of Upguards and Adam paintings, and Mason's exquisite idylls are as national as a jingo poem. Mr. Burkett Foster's landscapes smile at one much in the same way that Mr. Carker used to flash his teeth. And Mr. John Collier gives his sitter a cheerful slap on the back before he says, like a shampooer in a Turkish bath, Next man!

There are around 100 languages supported by OpenAI’s Whisper. You can take a look at their list here on GitHub:

Helper Functions

I have some recordings I made in both English and French that I will use in my example translation and transcriptions. I used an app called “Hokusai Audio Editor” to record directly in .wav format, which is easy for torchaudio to recognize when loading audio files. But you can use any online converter tool to get to .wav format.

These are two short Python functions I wrote to

  1. Load the audio and convert the sample rate to what Whisper expects (16,000 Hz) and
  2. Run inference with a target output language.
#utility functions
def load_recorded_audio(path_audio,input_sample_rate=48000,output_sample_rate=16000):
# Dataset: convert recorded audio to vector
waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(path_audio)
waveform_resampled = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, orig_freq=input_sample_rate, new_freq=output_sample_rate) #change sample rate to 16000 to match training.
sample = waveform_resampled.numpy()[0]
return sample

def run_inference(path_audio, output_lang, pipe):
sample = load_recorded_audio(path_audio)
result = pipe(sample, generate_kwargs = {"language": output_lang, "task": "transcribe"})

Performing Inference

Now, we can move onto my recorded English and French statements, and assess how well Whisper does on translation and transcription. I recorded a statement in English that reads as follows:

I am happy to be participating in this hackathon. I hope you come up with some great solutions throughout the day and perhaps also at night.

And the path of where I stored the file:

path_audio_en_2 = 'recordings/English_hackathon.wav'

And I also recorded my translation of the statement in French:

Je suis heureux de participer à ce hackathon. J’espère que vous trouverez des excellentes solutions pendant la journée et peut-être aussi à la nuit.

And the path of the file:

path_audio_fr_2 = 'recordings/French_hackathon.wav'

I then tested the four possible transcription and translation tasks to see what I would get:

A) English-To-English

path_audio = path_audio_en_2
output_lang = "en"
run_inference(path_audio,output_lang, pipe)

The printed transcribed output looks like:

I am happy to be participating in this hackathon. I hope you come up with some great solutions throughout the day and perhaps also at night.

In this case, Whisper did a perfect job at transcription, matching my original recorded statement.

B) English-To-French

Now, I asked Whisper to translate my recorded English statement to French, and then transcribe it.

path_audio = path_audio_en_2
output_lang = "fr"
run_inference(path_audio, output_lang, pipe)

The output:

Je suis heureux de participer à ce Hackathon. J’espère que vous trouverez de grandes solutions au long du jour et peut-être aussi à la nuit.

The output matches very closely to how I would have translated the statement myself into French, even though there are slight differences. The reality with language translation is that multiple options can be valid, and the meaning remains the same.

C) French-To-French

I then asked Whisper to transcribe my French statement into French:

path_audio = path_audio_fr_2
output_lang = "fr"
run_inference(path_audio, output_lang, pipe)

And the output:

Je suis heureux de participer à ce hackathon. J’espère que vous trouverez des excellentes solutions pendant la journée et peut-être aussi à la nuit.

This was a perfect transcription of my recording!

D) French-To-English

And lastly, I wanted to test French-To-English:

path_audio = path_audio_fr_2
output_lang = "en"
run_inference(path_audio, output_lang, pipe)

The output:

I am happy to participate in this hackathon. I hope you will find excellent solutions during the day and maybe at night.

Again, in translating to English, there are some slight differences from my own translation, but the meaning and grammar are accurate.

One of the neat things about Whisper is that it will automatically detect the original language, so I don’t even need to specify the input language — only the output language.


In this article, I showed you the code I used to complete four translation and transcription tasks with OpenAI’s latest Whisper model (large-v3) on a CPU; these language tasks were: English-To-English, English-To-French, French-To-French, and French-To-English.

To replicate the work, you can complete your development for free on the Intel® Developer Cloud by registering here. After logging in, select “Training” and then “Launch Jupyter Lab” to launch a free Jupyter environment with a 4th Gen Xeon CPU. You can also find the same CPUs on the cloud providers Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform service.

Here is the GitHub repository with the complete code from this article.

Here is some other helpful documentation for Whisper and Hugging Face:

You can share your Hugging Face model on the Intel DevHub Discord here and to join the community discussion: We would also be glad for you to share your unique language combination implementation with us on Discord.



Benjamin Consolvo
Intel Analytics Software

AI Software Engineering Manager at Intel. I like to write on topics in AI to help other developers along their coding journey.