Trusted TorchServe Using BigDL Privacy Preserving Machine Learning

Secure AI with Intel Trusted Domain Extensions and Confidential Containers

Yabai Hu
Intel Analytics Software
7 min readSep 27, 2023


Qiyuan Gong, Dongjie Shi, Peter Zhu, Yabai Hu, Wesley Du, Hanyu Jin, Arron Wang, and Junrui Zhang, Intel Corporation

Yao Zhang and Dian Chen, ByteDance

Deployment is a critical stage in the AI lifecycle that brings the model to real-world application. TorchServe is an open-source tool for efficient and flexible deployment of PyTorch models. In production environments, the confidentiality and integrity of the model and user data are important considerations. In this article, we introduce a trusted PyTorch model serving solution built on top of Intel Trusted Domain Extensions (Intel TDX), Confidential Containers (CoCo), and BigDL Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (PPML). These technologies protect the confidentiality and integrity in TorchServe with minimal performance overhead. We also introduce Jeddak Sandbox as the best practice of this solution.

Trusted TorchServe Solution

Confidential computing is a security and privacy-enhancing technique focused on protecting data in use. Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a fundamental building block for confidential computing that creates an isolated environment within a computing system through hardware-based security features. The latest 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors provide a specialized TEE called Intel TDX that protects data inside isolated virtual machines (VM), called trust domains, from unauthorized software.

CoCo is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project that provides confidentiality, integrity, and trust to containerized workloads by taking advantage of hardware TEE, remote attestation, and related software technologies. The Intel TDX confidential container solution is based on CoCo. It is easy to use. Application developers can run unmodified container images in Intel TDX confidential containers. Cluster operators/administrators can use common tools to install the complete solution and manage Kubernetes clusters. CoCo also assures strong security by providing end-to-end protection for sensitive and high-value applications, data, and models, not just at runtime but also in storage and on the network (Figure 1).

Figure 1. TDX Confidential Containers Architecture

PPML is a new BigDL feature that addresses privacy and security in end-to-end AI and analytics applications. By combining several security technologies like Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX), Intel TDX, CoCo, etc., BigDL PPML allows users to run their existing applications at scale without modification, but with hardware protection and end-to-end security (Figure 2).

Figure 2. BigDL Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Architecture

Based on Intel TDX CoCo, BigDL PPML has built a trusted TorchServe solution that can be easily deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. As illustrated in Figure 3, it is comprised of three main components:

  1. A model store where loadable models reside,
  2. A frontend that manages models and handles request/response,
  3. Backends that process input data, run model inference, and generate responses.

To protect input/output data and model, both frontend and backends run with BigDL PPML on top of TDX CoCo.

Figure 3. Trusted TorchServe on TDX Confidential Containers with BigDL PPML

The workflow of the trusted TorchServe solution is as follows:

  1. The model owner prepares the model and places it in Model Store.
  2. The model owner launches pod with CoCo runtime, which creates guest VM protected by Intel TDX and starts confidential containers inside the VM.
  3. The model owner starts TorchServe frontend/backend in CoCo.
  4. The end-user sends serving requests to trusted TorchServe and receives inference responses.

In this workflow, both frontend and backends are protected by Intel TDX CoCo, which ensures the confidentiality and integrity of the user model and input data.

Setup Guide and Performance Best Practices

Prepare Model

To deploy a model with TorchServe, a model file with a specific mar format is required (a zip archive containing all model artifacts). Generally, users need to prepare trained model checkpoint and custom model handler code, then feed them to the torch-model-archiver tool of TorchServe to generate the model file. Furthermore, to obtain maximum performance on Intel platforms, we recommend optimizing the model with BigDL Nano. This tool helps users leverage various software optimizations, including Intel Extension for PyTorch (IPEX), JIT, and low-precision datatypes (e.g., BF16 and INT8).

Setup and Configure the Environment

Before setting up the trusted TorchServe environment, make sure CoCo operator is installed on a Kubernetes cluster. Then, we need to configure and start CoCo within k8s pods for trusted TorchServe to run. To isolate frontend and backend resources for better performance, we separate the two components into different pods, and pin different sets of CPU cores to each pod.

Setup Kubernetes static CPU manager policy to enable CPU cores pinning of containers by kubelet configuration:

cpu: "200m"
memory: "1Gi"
cpu: "200m"
memory: "1Gi"
cpuManagerPolicy: static
topologyManagerPolicy: best-effort

Configure container runtime class to run the pod with Intel TDX CoCo and allocate resources for frontend and backend pods. Note that cpu resources need to be integer and equal values for requests and limits to enable cpu pinning for containers, e.g.:

runtimeClassName: kata-qemu-tdx
- name: torchserve-backend
image: intelanalytics/bigdl-ppml-trusted-dl-serving-gramine-ref:multipods-8G
imagePullPolicy: Always

cpu: "48"
memory: "64Gi"
cpu: "48"
memory: "64Gi"

Configure resources for frontend and backend guest VMs. Note that the vcpu and memory resource should align with the configuration for pods in the previous step, e.g.:

default_vcpus = 48
default_memory = 65536

Launch pods for TorchServe frontend and backend.

Start TorchServe

After the frontend/backend pods are launched and confidential containers are automatically created inside the pods, we can start frontend and backend components inside the corresponding containers. To achieve optimal performance on a multicore or multi-socket server, we recommend starting multiple backend workers and binding CPU cores and memory of the same NUMA node to each backend worker. We can specify the backend worker number in the TorchServe configuration file, then use the numactl utility to start the backend worker processes.

Performance Benchmark

We measured the performance of trusted TorchServe on Intel TDX CoCo with BigDL PPML for the BERT-Large model on a two-socket 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor server. For the benchmark, we allocated two cores and 5 GB memory for the frontend pod, 48 cores and 64 GB memory for the backend pod, initiated 12 backend workers and four cores pinned to each worker. We used BigDL Nano to optimize model serving performance with low precision inference that utilizes Intel Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel AMX) acceleration. We evaluated the end-to-end throughput of model serving at FP32, BF16, and INT8 precision. The performance of the trusted TorchServe solution protected by Intel TDX CoCo is comparable to the unprotected case (Figure 4). The overhead is typically less than 6%.

Figure 4. TorchServe BERT-Large Performance

Best Practice in ByteDance

ByteDance has announced Jeddak Sandbox that provides secure and efficient machine learning services for both internal and external enterprise users. This solution assists users in addressing various privacy compliance challenges in AI scenarios, empowering users to leverage the full value of their data. Jeddak Sandbox collaborates closely with BigDL in product design, integrating its security features and performance optimizations to enhance user experience (Figure 5). This includes:

  • Leveraging optimization strategies provided by BigDL Nano for convenient optimization of deployed models, accelerating model inference processes, and reducing response latency for user prediction requests.
  • Employing Intel TDX CoCo as the deployment method for online prediction services. This approach provides hardware-based protection for the entire serving process and combines the robust container orchestration capabilities of K8S for seamless scaling to address complex and dynamic request workloads.
Figure 5. ByteDance Jeddak Sandbox Architecture

Jeddak Sandbox provides further security enhancements during the model prediction process. This includes end-to-end encryption of user inference requests to ensure that user private data is only decrypted within a hardware-protected environment. Additionally, the solution incorporates an authentication and authorization mechanism for model requests, ensuring comprehensive protection for user model access and preventing intellectual property leaks.


We introduced a trusted TorchServe solution powered by CoCo and BigDL PPML on Intel TDX, where the serving components are isolated in trusted domains protected from unauthorized software. By combining the strength of Intel TDX, CoCo, and Intel AMX acceleration, the solution enables users to deploy PyTorch models in a secure, flexible, and performant manner. We also highlighted the ByteDance Jeddak Sandbox that integrates the trusted TorchServe solution. We are continuously incorporating new features such as model store encryption/decryption and distributed backend worker deployment to further enhance the end-to-end security and flexibility in the model serving pipeline.

Hardware and Software Configuration

Benchmarking was conducted by Intel on the following platform:

