IntellectEU’s payment tracking product payLOCATOR certified by SWIFT

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3 min readSep 6, 2022

IntellectEU is pleased to announce that payLOCATOR, IntellectEU’s innovative payment tracking and sharing solution, has received the SWIFT gpi for Corporates label for 2022. Technical and functional validation made by SWIFT experts shows that payLOCATOR has completed the gpi for Corporates integration and is capable of processing gpi for Corporates-related flows. Congratulations to the team!

Enabling direct access to payment information for banks’ clients and their counterparties

The GPI Tracker information is accessible primarily for Financial Institutions. However, corporations can get access to payment status tracking thanks to payLOCATOR. What’s more, they can share these payment statuses with counterparties to improve their cash management and operational efficiency and avoid a lack of awareness of charges and possible delays, difficulties with forecasting, lack of confidence in the fulfillment of obligations by a counterparty, incomplete reporting and more.

Enter payLOCATOR

payLOCATOR tracks payments and reports on payment flows, commission charges, and currency exchange rates in one single user interface, easily accessible via API. It allows banks’ clients to share payment information from the system with their business partners via secure credentials. Using the dashboard, corporates connected to payLOCATOR can see in real-time how their payments move through the correspondent SWIFT banking chain, from inception right through until the beneficiary account is credited. And this goes for the banks’ corporate clients but also (if they receive the proper access) for their counterparties (suppliers, beneficiaries, …). Moreover, inbound payments can now also be tracked and shared, and receipt of payment can be more or less predicted, improving trust and transparency.

100% SWIFT certified

IntellectEU’s gpi-related initiative payLOCATOR makes sure that banks embracing SWIFT gpi can easily leverage this service for their Corporate client base. Users (=corporates) are able to achieve full transparency over where a payment is at any given moment, improving cross-border payments across the correspondent banking network. This is essential for corporates for whom speed, certainty, and a smooth international payments experience is an absolute must. -wait for update-

Give corporates easy access to payLOCATOR by leveraging SWIFT gpi

payLOCATOR’s payment tracking and data sharing features create a reduction in operating costs as a result of simplified payment investigation and dispute resolution, as well as optimized supply chain cash flows. IntellectEU is proud to support its clients — banks and technology vendors — to offer payLOCATOR benefits to their corporate clients, so they can remain innovative, customer-oriented leaders in the payments space.

About IntellectEU

IntellectEU is a global technology company focused on digital finance and emerging technologies. Since 2006, IntellectEU has developed its expertise in financial messaging and integration, being a SWIFT global premier service partner. IntellectEU continuously supports financial institutions and corporations adopting new solutions that face industry challenges. For more information about us and what we can do for you, please visit or send us an email:

