MS PowerApps — Here is how to notify users of version updates to a custom application

Vrutika Gaikwad
Intelliconnect Engineering
3 min readNov 7, 2022

PowerApps — Web Applications do not have an in-built option or function to notify users to update their application, like PowerApps’ Android applications. In this blog, we will look at a workaround that will help us alert users to refresh their application and update it.

Step 1: Add the ‘Power Apps for Makers’ connector to your application
Data >> Add data >> Search Power Apps for Makers >> Select your connection
(If adding a new connection: Data >> Add data >> Search Power Apps for Makers >> Add a connection >> Connect)

Step 2: Get the Current Live Version and the Last Version and Notify the user
Insert a Button control, name it CheckVersion. Set OnSelect as below:

PowerAppsforMakers.GetApp(“Your App ID”).properties.appVersion — will return the user's current version that is in use.
First(PowerAppsforMakers.GetAppVersions(“Your App ID”).value).properties.appVersion) — this will return the user the Last Saved version of your Application
Compare both versions. If they are the same, it would indicate that the application is up to date for the given user and if not, then the user would get notified of a new update and asked to refresh the page

Step 3: OnVisible of the StartScreen of your Application Select the button CheckVersion. When every time the user loads the StartScreen versions would be compared and notify the user if the app is not up to date

Step 4: Add Timer Control to repetitively check for updates
Insert a Timer control. Set Duration 60000 * 60 * 3 (i.e., 3 hour). And OnTimerEnd Select the button CheckVersion

1. For this workaround to be valid you need to make sure that your Last Saved Version is always the Live version of the Web Application.
2. Set the Timer and Button Visible property to false.
3. You can set the timer’s duration depending on your application’s update frequency or the user’s usage time of the application.
4. You can choose one between Step 3 and Step 4 or keep both steps.
5. Reference for Power Apps for Makers:

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