I can’t stand newsletters

Is it just me?

Christopher Laine
Intelligence Challenged
6 min readNov 3, 2023


My publicist had to repeat herself a bunch of times before I understood. “A newsletter,” I asked for the fourth time. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what a newsletter was; I simply couldn’t believe that anyone still made or read such things. I thought newsletters went out with newsgroups, banner ads and the blink tag.

She was dead serious on driving this at me. “Writers get others to subscribe to their newsletters so they can be kept informed on what you’re up to, what you’re writing, that kind of thing.” I was gobsmacked. Not only could I NOT imagine anyone wanting to get spammed by me to tell them I was in round 4 of editing or whatever, I couldn’t fathom myself being willing to publish such a monstrosity. It all felt so icky, like me creating a mail merge to spam the hell out of innocent people with my drivel.

My publicist kept on this for a while, but she eventually gave up. It was clear that no matter how much she told me I needed to do this, I wasn’t going to play along. I wasn’t going to go out and hassle friends and family and then fucking strangers to sign up for my newsletter so they could be bothered by me regularly. I just wasn’t going to do it.

How could I? I loathe newsletters.

You Get One Chance with My Email Address and then You Make…

