Saakshi Aundhkar
Intelligent Cities
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2021


Does a smart City come with a smart Government ??

The first question that pops up in our head is : What is a smart Government ? How do we define it ? What example should we look at ?

A smart Government is a backbone of an intelligent city . How strong is that backbone ? As the cities are promising to be smarter day by day what changes do we need to see in a city to conclude that our city is smart with smart governance. When we first see the term ‘ smart government’ all we think of is How are we part of it or how much should we be part of it ? A smart government city is where our engagement matters with our infrastructure. We communicate with our infrastructure more than we imagine.

Internet of Things (IoT) is something I would like to take your attention to when we talk about change making. Several data platforms are available nowadays for us also which reveal different data sources from transportation ticket sales , sensors on roads , police reports to various government policies for the analysis to record and have us better management through analysis. SWIM is a USA based startup where they provide a platform to reveal such analysis. They go with ‘ Store and then analyze’ . Such usage of different platforms help us to give us ( citizens ) opinions on how we think about policy or any change making in the city. It answers our questions.

The second thing which came to my notice when I learnt about IoT was this platform just give us opportunity to analyze but isn’t it as much important for us to have platforms where these opinions will be heard. There are few startups like ‘Civocracy’ a German startup where it provides a platform to all for better civic engagement which connects local government with their citizens so collaborative decisions can be made. Some more startups are coming up where we can see how things can change in government in order for smart city developments.

Such startup platforms are necessary I think for us to improve on smarter government and cities. This creates a well analyzed communication for our infrastructure growth. … Here is the article which gives us 5 startups that are working towards smart government platforms.

