Privacy is the Highest

Guang Zhou
Intelligent Cities
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

On Feb 20th, New Mexico’s attorney general sued Google. The lawsuit said Google’s educational products are spying on the state’s children and families by collecting a large amount of personal data from students and teachers while they using Google’s products. This is not the first time Google has faced such a lawsuit.

These days we can easily connect all our devices, store and back up files by using the cloud. While we enjoy the convenience brought by technology , our personal data is being extracted and traded by hackers and technology giants. In most cases, our personal data is traded to advertisers for targeted services, fraud, and sometimes even threats to personal safety. People start to panic about the loss of personal data, especially the technological revolution brought by 5G may accelerate such losses which will provide higher internet speed and promotion of IoT. In the past years, there have been lawsuits over personal data, but there are currently no federal laws that can protect personal data rights.

CCPA , the California Consumer Privacy Act became effective on January 1, 2020, which is the first data privacy protection laws in the United States seems to be reliable. The intention of CCPA is to provide California residents with the right to transfer the control of their personal data to each individual consumer.

In the future, developing better consumer data privacy policies for each of consumers is important for the government, otherwise consumers will no longer have the right to manage their personal information.

