Intelligent Community
3 min readJan 10, 2020



Hello internet traveler!

Did you know that a vast majority of companies and business places currently share the same problem?

“What is this problem you might ask?”

I’ll tell you.

Companies and corporate business entities cannot function without manpower

Manpower makes it absolutely possible for businesses to thrive and perform day-to-day tasks effectively or ineffectively.

With the current systems of making employment available, it is now obvious why we have a whole lot of incompetent people working in certain offices or occupying certain sensitive positions.

This comes with a lot of ill vices into the systems of any company, and these include; poor workflow, increased usage of resources without a commensurate increase in profit margins, low customer satisfaction, and increased complaints.

Now you must note that in other for any company to stand the test of time, two things are to be considered as the most important. These are productivity and customer relations.

Now, this goes to clarify that the problem isn’t majorly with the companies themselves, but in the kind of workers they utilize, and the kind of clients they turn out to keep.

The kind of workers and resource persons employed by these companies solely rests in the care of the kind of test processes which the companies employ.

There is the traditional method which requires the test takers to be physically present, but this is highly inconvenient as some resource persons with good quality knowledge about the business, could be thousands of kilometers away from the business location, on the other side of the world.

What can they do about that you ask?

Well, they can make use of online test companies, but the majority of these test companies and platforms don’t offer security as the test takers may be able to easily cheat the system.

What can they do about that you may ask?

Alright, wait for it……….. Wait for it………..

Introducing Intelligent Hero!

Intelligent Hero is not just any platform that supports the use of test from remote locations online, but we are a platform with tightened security levels to ensure that the system isn’t cheated in any way.

Test results are recorded using blockchain technology so they are not manipulable not even by the platform itself.

Our test covers a wide variety of industries which include

Writing, Freelancing, Programming, education, and so much more

We are moving into partnership with some of the world’s most notable freelance platforms, ed-tech platforms, HR platforms, and so many others.

Why do we need so many partnerships if we are so awesome you ask?

Well, partnerships strengthen our platform and builds trust as well as help us to increase our user base.

Intelligent Hero is a creative solution that not only gives business owners the flexibily they need in other to get the best kind of workers and resource persons, it also helps resource/ skilled persons to verify their skills with the platform thus giving them something that is quite difficult to get off online platforms, which is trust!

Intelligent Hero has some very core values and these are





Partnership, and


These together make up the core values with which the intelligent Hero community operates.

Trust me on this, employing an intelligent Hero for your project, is probably the best thing that can happen for your project.

All intelligent Heroes are skilled in their field and have gone through a variety of rigorous tests that ensure their verifiability and the authenticity of their skills.

So look no further,

You’ve got the right solution staring you in the face

Contact us now, let’s take your business to the next level together!

Intelligent Hero Website
Telegram Group

Don’t miss our IEO that started today, you can buy HERO tokens with 60% discount until February 2nd!

