Intelligent Community


We all (you and me inclusive) are all aware of the stories of how heroes are born, have to struggle, get beat up by life, discover themselves, fail, and struggle with life over and over again.

I mean all heroes need to see the bad side of life before they can emerge as heroes who are supposed to help others with their own problems right? This should mean that the Intelligent hero has to pass through all these difficulties? Right?


The life of an Intelligent Hero is not as it is projected in the movies we see periodically. The life of an Intelligent hero is precise and very concise.

You can practically say that an Intelligent Hero lives most of his life in ease rather than going through the struggles of life.

Now before you get all excited and assume that it’s all just a bed of roses, it is important i notify you that an Intelligent Hero needs to go through certain phases in other to emerge as the Hero.

We have classified these phases into four easy-to-understand phases. Join me let’s discuss about them a little shall we?…

Discovering your talents and skills

This has proved time and time again to be the most difficult stage of every single Hero’s journey to the top.

Being sure of what skills you possess or you could easily learn without much hassle, is one of the most difficult aspects of the entire process. This is because humans are a very versatile species. We are all able to perform multiple tasks, and as a result, are most times always multi-talented.

At first glimpse, you may think this is more of a blessing, but trust me, it’s not the way it seems.

Having many skills or talents makes it almost impossible for you to make up your mind correctly on which of these skills should be developed. Some people end up developing the wrong skills, and after some time, they find absolutely no joy in what they have to offer.

In your journey, this phase has to be taken seriously. Here at the intelligent community, we aid this phase by showing you a wide majority of courses and tutorials you can undergo to develop your skillset correctly. Although you still have to make the choice by yourself, the aid we offer, already does over 60% of the work for you, helping you make the right decision on which skill is more suitable and profitable for you to develop.

Developing these talents and skills

Once you have selected the skills you wish to develop, the next phase is the development stage itself.

This stage has to do with all the tutorials and training sections you will have to go through in other to be called a professional in the field.

With this, one has to be very careful as well. This is majorly because, majority of courses you have online are practically void and dont have much to offer the learner. We are aware of this trending situation, and have decided to partner with several tech companies and platforms to ensure that this issue is correctly taken care of.

With our fix, all our users can make the best choices out of the best selections that will eventually lead to more profit in the hands of the individual.

Finding the best method of showcasing your skills to the world

Once you are done acquiring those skills, the next problem you need to tackle, is the problem of where to display your skill-set, to ensure that profit is sucked out, the best way possible.

A vast majority of platforms out there give you the assurance that your services are being shown out to business owners and other buyers who will essentially need your services, but this is not really the case.

Many of these platforms have no direct reach with buyers and business owners and as a result, are only stuck with the few buyers who come to the platform in search of cheap services.

The Intelligent community is the perfect place for a young hero such as yourself. When you are signed up with us, we give you a series of tests to verify your skills. These test, in turn, gives you premium membership which comes with trust, and a lot of other guided benefits.

With the Intelligent community, you are most certain of getting engagements.

Letting your skills speak for you!

Once you have gotten every other thing right, this is where you begin to enjoy your efforts. Although you have to ensure that your quality still remains in check, it is safe to say that you have fought a good battle. Now you just have to sit back and watch your ship sail.

Now you are going to be the one testing others to ensure that their skills are exactly what they claim it to be.

To find out more about Intelligent Hero, check these:

Intelligent Hero Website
Telegram Group

