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Muscle Tone and Muscle Strength — What’s The Difference?



Often as a physical therapist, I get the question “What is the difference between muscle tone and muscle strength?”

I’ve decided to put together a fact sheet for EASY distinction on the differences so you, as a parent, can better understand your child.

What Is Muscle Tone?

Muscle TONE is defined as the tension in a muscle at rest.

It is the muscle’s response to an outside force, such as a stretch or change in direction.

Appropriate muscle tone enables our bodies to quickly respond to a stretch.

For example, if someone took your arm and quickly straighten your elbow, your biceps muscle would automatically respond and contract in response to protect you from injury.

Low Muscle Tone Vs. High Muscle Tone

Low Tone

A child with low tone, or HYPOTONIA, has muscles that are slower to react to a stretch and are unable to sustain a prolonged muscle contraction.

If a hypotonic child’s arm was stretched quickly, the same way as above, there would be minimal to no response of their biceps muscle.

Sometimes the muscles of a child with low tone may feel soft and mushy or they may appear “floppy”.

High Tone

A child with high tone, or HYPERTONIA, has muscles that are in an “over-reactive” state to stretch and in a state of high tension.

If this child’s arm was stretched, their biceps muscle would react even quicker and may maintain a prolonged contraction.

In everyday movement, there are constant stimuli, so this child may not be able to achieve relaxation of their muscles.

Children with hypertonia are often at risk for a loss of range of motion and orthopedic concerns due to these facts.

What is Muscle Strength?

MUSCLE STRENGTH is defined as the muscle’s ability to contract and create force in response to resistance.

Muscle strength is what your muscles do when they aren’t at rest.

When you purposefully move a muscle, your brain is sending signals to your muscle fibers to contract.

The power of your contraction is dependent upon your muscle mass which can be changed by weight training and exercise.

So, if we take the example from before with someone stretching your arm out straight, your MUSCLE STRENGTH would be the ability to contract and resist that force actively.

Final Thoughts

In Conclusion, Although Strength And Tone Are Different When A Muscle Is Not In An Ideal Position To Be Ready For Contraction, The Muscle Strength Will Be Impaired.

Dr. Christine Astarita, PT — Owner and Founder of Breakthrough Intensive PT

Thank You!

We want to wrap up by extending our gratitude to thank you for stopping by today!

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