Can You Create Content Without Social Media Validation?

My 60-Day experiment will let me know the answer

Shailaja V
Intentional and Creative Affluence
4 min readMay 31, 2021


It came to me in mid-April — this decision to attempt to create content without the possible lure of social media validation. But I wasn’t quite ready to take the plunge just yet.

I had just launched a course on which I’d been working for a little over 3 months and that was my Intentional Instagram course for Business Owners. You see the irony, don’t you?

So, why now? What has changed a month and a half later as I embark on a 60-day sabbatical from social media? To be fair, it’s not that I am looking for a social media break or looking for a detox, because I don’t think either of those things are necessarily the answer. Plus I don’t hate social media the way most people do. I’ve actually made some wonderful connections, personally and professionally, due to these platforms.

But it was time for a test and this was a good way to do it.

Social Media Validation

I love writing. It’s what makes me happiest on any given day. I started as a writer and blogger, back in August 2007. Between then and July 2013, I blogged with an audience that numbered zero — well, not if you count my mom, who’s the sweetest bit of support out there.

Somewhere along the way, though, once I started posting my blog content on social media, I started growing an audience. And it was great! I loved the fact that people were reading my content, appreciating it, maybe even sharing it.

But, that’s the thing. Over time, I realized how much I’d begun to look forward to the outcome of creation. That was validation.

In other words, a part of me always wondered how well a piece of content would be received. Would it get enough likes? Maybe a few good comments? How many shares? What would all of that mean for the long-term value of the content? Can you imagine the amount of pressure this places on our shoulders as creators?

In other words, not only are we creating content, we’re also placing the burden of expectations on our creative self.

A Different Approach

Side by side with social media, however, I also noticed a different pattern: people who were finding my articles on Google and search and landing up on my site. This was such a novel experience and I was truly amazed by the fact that people were searching for and finding something that I’d written that could benefit them. (Full disclosure: I still am amazed by this fact)

That means that, technically, we can ensure that our content has an audience, even without sharing it on social media.

So why not give that a go?

Not Playing the Comparison Game

I’m tired of playing the comparison game. There, I’ve said it. I just don’t understand how to convince people of the fact that you are not equal to the number of likes you get on social media.

A long-time client of mine left me because I wasn’t following her back on social media. I mean, come on. This has to be the absolute limit. And I don’t have the time for it. I realized that the only way I could truly convey how I felt about this was to walk the talk.

It was time to leave social media (albeit temporarily) to prove that we can thrive as content creators, irrespective of how we are perceived on social media.

“Comparison with myself brings improvement, comparison with others brings discontent.”

Betty Jamie Chung

My Experiment

The fact that I have a social media presence is secondary to the fact that I was a writer. I’ve always been a writer. Social media has come second and always will.

But the question remained: Would my business be able to survive without social media? Given that I was both a blog and social media coach, did it make sense? The only way to find out? Do the experiment myself.

Hence, the idea was born: 60 Days without Social Media. At the end of 60 days, I would have hard data to support whether or not a business owner can actually grow and thrive without social media.

I’m about 4 days into my 60-day sabbatical and I can honestly say it’s off to a good start.

Whether or not it stays that way remains to be seen.

But you know the beauty about experiments? You’ll never know unless you try.

So, here’s to seeing how this one turns out.

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Shailaja V
Intentional and Creative Affluence

Digital minimalist. Writer. Bibliophile. Vegan. Walking is my meditation. More about me: