5 Power Keys to Creativity

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readMar 23, 2015

We all create every day. Yes, we all do. If you have ever written a piece on your own, cooked a special meal, showed someone that he or she is special in a unique way, found a new way to fix a common problem easily, and I can go on and on; then you are creative.

But the problem now is that many people misunderstand the concept of creativity, which potentially then goes on to hinder or hamper their chances of fully discovering their creative self. Most people want to see themselves transforming sand to water before they feel or start to connect to their creative self.

We are need to discover and connect to our creative self because, like Edward de Bono said, “Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.”

So how does someone then connect to this creative part of his or her life and enjoy the expression of this unique potential inside of every one? Here are 5 simple ideas I have come across in my reflection for this week.

Research what works for you
You see, it is very easy to discover and connect with your creative self when you discover what works for you. Sometimes, we focus on what does not work for us because that is all we can see.

Experiment with what works for others
It is important to note that we may be able to find what we are wired for in terms of discovering your creativity when we experiment with what works for others. This is because no one has the sole prerogative to any form of skill or creativity. There are several specific things that many people can actually do. What makes the difference is how differently each one of them does it.

Learn from others what you don’t know
There’s nothing that is new under the sun. That is to say that anything anyone knows has its root in the creativity of another person before them, no matter how little. When we open ourselves to learning and growing in it, we may be surprised what we will stumble over.

Invest in what will help your creative-self
Sometimes, our creativity lies behind our commitment to pay some prices for it to flourish and shine forth. When you discover that you have an inkling toward a specific proficiency, there is need for you to find what you need to get such to a higher level of expression by investing into it. That may require taking some classes or signing up for a mentoring program.

Ask for feedback
There are also times that you may not quickly or necessarily discover what lies inside of you. In such times, it may be people around you who may be able to do so. That means it is important to freely ask people of their opinion of what they think about your creative self. However, it is important to know how to avoid critical, biased and judgmental people in doing this.

So, to discover your creative self, one or combination of these will work for you. Remember, that there is a creative side to every one of us and it is mostly your responsibility to discover yours. Have a great week ahead.

Your friend,



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│