5 Steps To Get Your Passion Back

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 12, 2015

You would agree with me that life is not always a merry-down-the-street roller coaster. Times and seasons come. Some of the times, we may be at our greatest highs, also some terrible lows. It is at the former that we lose what drives us every day — our passion.

You to a point where you feel like you’re losing ground and don’t know how to get energized and ready for the next round.

Little wonder Gallup once reported that only 13%, or one-eighth of employees across 142 countries are engaged at work. This is a result of lost passion.

The good news is that it happens to almost everyone.

However, the most important thing is to know that you can regain your passion for what you do. Follow some of these suggestions to boost your deflating enthusiasm:

Locate the root of the problem. It is always said that a problem identified is one half-solved. I cannot but agree with this statement. If you’re having problems dragging yourself out of the bed for work you used to love every other morning, the first step is to admit that you’re no longer as passionate as you used to be.

You need to sit down and reflect on what might have caused you to lose that drive work. In order to change for the better, you must first examine what are the things that seem to be going wrong at work or even within yourself.

Once you’re clear what the root of the problem is, you can start making little changes to yourself and your work environment to get over this difficult phase of your career.

Reconnect with passionate friends. Friends are the greatest gifts in life. They have a way of holding you up and pulling you along when you are down.

However, this only works if they are as passionate as you are, pursuing similar goals. If you notice that the fire of your passion is going off, one easy step to reverse that is to look for friends with passion and reconnect with them.

When you find the right group of people and you click, it can be fun.

[Tweet “Instead of shutting yourself out, make that extra effort to talk to the people around you.”]

Find a mentor. One of the best ways to reignite your passion is to find and work with a mentor, someone with experience who can guide and assist you.

Find the right people to give you advice at the right stages in your life and career, be it one person or 20.

Nothing is better than having a go-to person with whom to discuss your business ideas and concerns.

Make up your mind to get your passion back. After all said and done, it is your primary responsibility to get your passion back. Though you may find a mentor or reconnect with friends of like passion, it is still up to you to make up your mind to get your passion back.

This is something no one will do for you.

Take action. Whatever comes out of your mentoring process and reconnecting with friends must be followed up by actions. If their self-defeating thought patterns you discover are responsible for the loss of passion, you must take an action by reversing such thought.

If it’s a life routine that’s responsible, you must take action to stop such routine.

What are other ways you’ve regained your passion? Share in the comment box below.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│