5 things visionaries give to a vision

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readApr 3, 2015

Vision is one of the most talked about issues in our society today, especially among those who have come to understand its value and role in achieving a successful life. But you see, the most important thing is not all the talks about vision but what we do to back up the talks.

We see leaders who take up responsibility and then share what they want to achieve while occupying any position with their people. But then, because they do not understand the principles of working out a vision, they end not achieving their vision.

Successful visionaries practice certain things about their vision that help them to match their talks with action and ultimately, seeing their vision become a reality. Today, I want to share 5 things you need to give your vision if you must see your vision come to pass.

You need to know the giver of the vision

Some people think that it is by their power or intellect that they receive the urge in their hearts towards a particular thing or action. Vision is a good thing and a gift from God and the Bible teaches that every good thing comes from God. [tweetthis]You don’t become visionary just because you are highly educated.[/tweetthis] You receive because you allow God to speak to your heart concerning a particular area of thing. It is important you understand that and so handle your God-given vision from that perspective.

You need to obey the vision

It does not matter whether it is God who plants a vision in the heart of any man, if it does not matter to obey the vision. Being obedient to any vision God gives demands that you place the vision as a priority in your life and do whatsoever is required of you to give life to the vision. This will also include not doing the things that will not empower the vision too.

You need to share the vision

You may be the one who receives the vision or passion to serve your generation in a particular dimension but if you do not share the vision with other people, you will not receive help, support and followers for that vision. You need to understand that before God implants a vision, He first gives hands and helpers to it. But it is your responsibility to locate them and share the vision with them. To build a team, you need to share your vision with others.

You need to give to the vision

You must be the first person to show commitment to whatever God has asked you to do before you expect same from others. If people do not see you make sacrifice to ensure your vision is achieved, they will be less likely to do same. Most people wait and expect others to give to their vision and when it doesn’t happen, they begin to doubt and complain. So, the question is, how much are you willing to commit to a project you proclaim that you are convinced about?

You need to pray for the vision

When everything else fails you, God who is the giver of the vision will never fail you. But to ensure that, you must consistently commit the vision back to Him in prayers. Prayers will give you divine backing and strength to pursue the vision until it is achieved because it releases grace and favour for what needs to be done to achieve vision.

These are not the exhaustive list of what you need to give to your vision, but at least, you can start from here and grow. One thing I want to point out here is that no matter what, you must have one of these working in your life if you want to see your vision become reality.

Your friend,

Apeh Omede



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│