6 Signs You’re Not Ready For The Coming Year

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
4 min readNov 19, 2015

“Chance favours the prepared mind.” ― Louis Pasteur

I know your excitement. I can feel your joy. You are looking forward to the end of the year and the beginning of a new one. Your hopes are high, your expectations are beyond the moons. You feel like flying when you think of the prospects the year ahead holds. You may think that you are ready for the coming year.

Well, don’t think so yet. Ahaaa, I am not trying to spoil your day. And don’t judge me yet until you read this. Are you anywhere near any of these signs? Anyone who thinks he is ready for the year ahead must not find himself in one of these situations.

My aim is not to make you feel bad but to challenge you and help you prepare for the ahead. Because my desire is to see you excel, I will do anything to help you achieve that. But at the same time, I will like you to be intentional about your success.

So, you are not ready if……

  1. You are still holding on to the failure of this year

Yes, you have made some mistakes and failed in some things, but you do not have to still be holding on to them till this time of the year. But if you are, then, it is a sign that you are not yet ready for what lies ahead of you. There is no man who has never had his or her fair share of failures and mistakes. It is also not written anywhere that you would be the last to make mistakes. I can assure you that several millions of people have made same mistake like you but have moved on long ago. If you are still holding on to your failures, you are not ready for your success.

  1. You are still yet to forgive your offenders

Yes, you have been seriously offended by people you have always looked up to. Some of them had called you names. Some of them took away from you what originally belonged to you. Some of them dashed your hope and trust in them. Some accused you wrongly. Yes, you have the right to feel bad about any or all of these. But you know what? You have no obligation to hold on to them. Maybe you are even planning retaliation in the coming year. Friend, that way, you will not make headway with anything. Let go and live on within the possibilities that awaits your tomorrow.

  1. You are yet to consider this year as ended

Some people may be thinking there’s still time this year. These are men who are short-sighted. Men who have vision had left this year long ago. Great corporations and multi-nationals have closed their books for the year. They are eagerly waiting for the journey through the coming year to begin. To some, until they get to Christmas break, they will not think the year has ended. Well, if you are thinking this way, that’s a sign you are not ready for the coming year.

  1. You are yet to set goals and plan for the coming year

Many may still be considering what would be their goals for the coming year. If you are in this class, you better start putting them down now if you must enjoy success next year. The people who succeeded this year didn’t just wake up to it. Some of them planned for this year ten years ago, many may have been 5 years ago and for others, several months before venturing into it. To know you are ready for the coming year, you must have had goals written down or thought of and a well-defined plan as to how to achieve these goals by now.

  1. You are yet to conduct your SWOT analysis this year

An analysis of your strength, weakness, opportunities and threat reveals where you have succeeded or failed to, where you can likely succeed and the things that may hinder. When you properly conduct this analysis, you will identify all these points. With that, you are able to re-organise and review your strategies to make them more effective, impactful and productive for the coming year. If you have not yet sat down to ponder on these four areas in relation to your life and this soon-ending year, then you are not yet ready for the coming one.

  1. You are waiting for December 31st night to pray for the coming year

This is a norm with most religious and traditional people. It is unconscious norm that has grown among several people. Somehow, some people feel like if they can pray on the last day of a given year, then, the coming year will be great. Meanwhile, they have never spent any second in current year to bring before God the year ahead. This does not show any seriousness at all. God’s blessings do not come on wishy-washy supplications. It must be heart-felt and requires total dedication and commitment and should be something that is part of your daily life. So if you are still waiting for the usual cross-over night prayers before you pray for the coming year, then, you are not ready for it.

This post was not intended to make you feel bad but to encourage you to take action for your life today. And I hope you will just do that.

How have you been preparing for a great year ahead? How can I help you with getting ready for the coming year? Leave a comment for me in the box and I will surely reply.



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│