7 Positive Affirmations of An Excellent Person

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
4 min readNov 10, 2015

What makes the difference between those who go on to achieve excellence in their personal or corporate life tasks and those who don’t is what they believe.

Life truly stems from your thoughts. You will agree with me if you believe in the phrase you are what you think.

But while many rely purely on thoughts; excellent people translate thoughts into words and eventually into actions in order to manifest our intentions. This means we have to be very careful with our words, choosing to speak only those which work towards our benefit and cultivate our highest good.

This is where affirmations come in to help make you become the person you dream to be.

Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to think nothing is impossible. — Carmen Harra

He are the affirmations that I have found out excellent people hold.

1. To Build Confidence for Success

I will win.

You may think this sounds like pride until you understand why an excellent person believe so.

This is because he has faith, courage and enthusiasm.

He has clearly defined goals and will pursue them with enthusiasm, determination and discipline.

He does not take advice from anyone who is more messed up than he is.

He believes he’ll meet the right people in the right place at the right time for the betterment of all.

2. To Eliminate Fears, Failures And Problems

I will do what I fear most and thus I’ll control my fear.

Why does an excellent person say so? He sees failure as only a signpost on his road to success.

He sees every problem as an opportunity to overcome a challenge.

He never takes rejection personally. He is of the belief that they can only reject his proposal, not his person.

3. Affirmations To Reduce Stress And Create Success

When I feel stressed, I will consciously relax and let go of my stress before taking on the next assignment.

An excellent person is aware that the excellence of his service will determine the level of his income. So he strives to give more than ever before.

He learns every day to enhance his chances for success.

He’s determined to work harder on himself than on his job. This way he becomes the person he wants to be and end up doing a better job than ever before.

4. To Strengthen Self and Family

I will nurture and love the people in my life who are the most important to me.

An excellent person affirms the belief above because he desires to be a good example for for children because they learn more from the role he plays than the things he says.

He always lives in the delight and reality of being alive. He opines that his past is forever gone, his future is an uncertainty, so he will be happy and thankful for each moment.

He always write down his priorities, thinking of my loved ones and my responsibilities. He may not get everything done, but he does the most productive thing possible at every given moment.

5. Attitudes Towards My Profession And My Job

I am proud to be in my kind of profession. My profession is the country’s most important profession for creating new wealth.

An excellent person affirms so because he believes he is a professional problem solver and care more about his prospects than making just making money.

He gets himself out of the way and think more of his prospects’ needs than of his personal one-man success.

6. Attitudes Towards Workplace And Co-Workers

I will respect my co-workers and if I can’t say something good, uplifting and positive about them, I will say nothing at all.

He accepts that the easiest company to run is the one I don’t own. He respects the authority given to management and follow the guidelines and philosophies of the company he has chosen to work for.

He sees opportunity in every challenge offered to him at his workplace.

He considers himself a winner, and that he works for a winning organisation and because of his contribution and cooperation the organisation will keep on winning.

7. Attitudes Towards Life

I am thankful to God for my health, my loved ones, my business and my country. I am also thankful for any pain and crisis that helps me grow.

An excellent person always take care of his body, realizing the importance of the words “moderation” and “balance.”

He strives to humble himself before others, controlling his pride and making other people feel important.

He continually invests time in study, learning how to better serve his fellow man. He knows his growth in all areas is in direct proportion to the service he gives to others.



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│