7 Truths About Becoming A Person of Excellence

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 4, 2015

You’ll agree that becoming a person of excellence is every one’s dream. Our world is in need of excellent men and women who will take charge and turn things around. Everyone loves excellence. There is this attraction that excellent people have towards them.

However, becoming an excellent person does not come on the platter of gold. It comes with a price tag.

To become an excellent person in the coming year, you must understand that:

Excellence must be a mentality

To achieve excellence, you must first think excellence. Your mind must agree to it and produce the same signals. Do not say what you do not mean in your heart.

As much as you can think about excellence, with time, you begin to work towards it. This is because your thoughts are as powerful as spoken prayers.

Excellence must be a value to you

Make excellence a clarified value to you. See it as an important component of the totality of your life’s success story or your life’s dream. The values we pick up as kids end up controlling our lives when we become adults.

Some of us have very wrong values which we picked up from our homes, schools we attended, friends and relatives that we grew up with.

Excellence must be conviction you possess

Where there is no vision, the people perish the bible clearly states. You cannot underestimate the power of vision in everything you do in life. Every man who has succeeded in one thing or the other has been a man of vision. Whether it is to win a trophy in a sport competition, to lead an organisation, become a best seller author or the president of America.

[Tweet “You do not approach your life with a wishy-washy attitude and expect that you will excel.”] You must consciously, create a vision of academic excellence in your life.

Excellence must be set as a goal

Vision gives birth to goal setting. The way you know how much you are living your vision is in the goals you set and how you pursue them.

[Tweet “One good thing with setting goals is that you are fired up to do better when you achieve them.”] Achieving goals inspires you and makes you understand that you can do and achieve anything when you set your heart on it.

Excellence must be planned towards

It is always said that not planning is simply planning to fail. You must plan. Planning helps you to avoid wastage of time, energy, and resources.

It helps you to know what to do and that at the right time.

When you do not plan, you will be pushed to and fro by everything that comes your way and you will lack organisation.

You must plan how much time and money you will commit to becoming an excellent person and how you will spend such time and money.

Excellence requires you to be responsible

You must be responsible to and for your life. There must be a responding ability inside of you to the demands that life may place on you; qualities like resilience, persistence, commitment, learning posture, curiosity, teachability, networking, etc. must be found in you.

You must take charge of situations in your life and ensure they turn out according to your dream to become an excellent person.

Excellence requires hard work, diligence and consistency

An old Jewish proverb says “Observe people who are good at their work-skilled workers are always in demand and admired; they don’t take a back seat to anyone”.

Diligence requires persistent effort and skillfulness. [Tweet “Many fail not because they do not have good and great visions, but because they are lazy.”]

If you will excel in your life, your hands must be diligently on the plough of your destiny. The diligent never gives up in the face of challenges. Every excellent person is a diligent person. You must work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

I hope that by applying these in the coming year, you will experience a height of excellence that will bless your life.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│