7 Ways to Build Friendly Attitude

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 21, 2015

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts in life and therefore should be desired by anyone who wants to become successful in life.

There are times and seasons in our life that the only consolation we may get is that we still have people that matter in our life. As we stick to family, let’s not forget that friends can also become family.

Our fear for not showing ourselves friendly is mostly based on the harm and disappointment we may have experienced in the past from ‘so called friends’. However, that does not mean all friends are bad. There are friends that stick closer to you than a brother.

No one can or should impose himself or herself on you as a friend. It is a thing of choice. And in choosing, you have to set your criteria without being judgemental and at the same time without making yourself cheap. In your attempt to become friendly, be purposeful in doing that. If not you will attract rather, all kinds of people into your life.

Someone said that

“friends are God’s way of taking care of us.”

When you are a friend to someone, you nourish his or her soul with your kindness. To such, it is a special kind of love. To the world, you are someone, but to those whom you have shown yourself friendly, you may mean the world.

Here are some 7 ways to build a friendly attitude that can help you in the coming year.

  1. Get rid of all unfriendly behaviours.

Prevent unfriendliness by adopting a new perspective or way of seeing things in life. Being rude and care-free about others will not help you build good friendship with people. Smile, rather than being a snub; trust, rather than doubt; and stay positive, rather than being negative.

  1. Develop a friendly mindset.

Develop a way of thinking in which friendliness is the default position. Before other people can start liking you, you should give them enough reasons to. This is possible when you adopt a mindset that allows you to exhibit friendliness.

  1. Become familiar with people.

When you see the same people over a period of time, start conversations with them. Get to know people and about their background. Find out if you have similar interests; and if the conditions are right, you can start up a friendship. Becoming familiar with the people you deal with every day will make this much easier. Start by smiling, saying “hello,” and introducing yourself.

  1. Introduce yourself.

Do not wait for other people to ask you your name and more information about you. Be the first one to take the initiative to say, “By the way, my name is [Apeh]. What’s yours?” The sooner you introduce yourself to other people, the more comfortable you become with each other. On the other hand, when you wait longer to make an introduction, the situation gets more awkward.

  1. Let other people know they are important.

Remember important facts and details about other people you meet. In doing so, you make them feel special. Your attention shows your interest and curiosity, and encourages them to talk and reveal more information.

When people begin to open up to you, it means they are starting to trust you and are comfortable with you.

  1. Don’t be afraid to show you like something about a person.

When you want to make friends with someone, let him know you are interested and that you want to get to know him better. Make it a point to stop and chat when there is a perfect opportunity. You will be building a friendly, outgoing attitude.

When you show a person that you like him, he will most likely respond in a friendly manner.

  1. Learn to repair damages.

Apologize and say you’re sorry, especially if you know it’s your fault. You may not be forgiven right away, but at least you have done your part in accepting your mistake and in asking for forgiveness.

People tend to forget mistakes done by those who know how to acknowledge them and are ready to make changes.

If you do these, you will not only be a blessing to many but you will also make friends who will stick with you through thick and thin on your journey to destiny in the coming year.

What’s your view about building friendly attitude? I will like to read your comment in the box below.



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│