7 Ways To Create A Life Balance

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 3, 2015

There are lots of people who have the things that matter most in their life ruined because they never created a life balance among all these important aspects of their life. They never considered their “ELASTIC LIMIT”, of which when you get to, there is nothing else but to “break down”.

One of the things denying many people success is actually their inability to create a life balance. It does not make sense to rise up early and go to bed late only to reap disaster all around.

We want to make the ends (that will never meet) meet so much at the expense of our precious family, health and loved ones. One thing we forget in this life is that someone can work hard so much to acquire all the fame and wealth but have not time to enjoy them because we did not take good care of ‘this one life’ that we have.

It is a great experience to succeed but if you die today in the pursuit of it, life will still go on (with or without you). Therefore, you must find time to halt for a while, ponder, think, review, retrace and realign yourself. Actually, some people think it is a sin to find time to withdraw from the issues of life and relax for a while.

Successful people take time to relax very well. They are not under pressure to make it. They take their time to balance every event and activity.

In coming year, allow God to give you rest from the pressure of winning the rat race that is denying you the time to enjoy the good things of life and the success from your work. If your life remains unbalanced in the coming year, you will not achieve much. You must know what is important at any time and what deserves your total concentration.

To create a balanced lifestyle, these may be of help to you:

Review the roles you play in life, for example: husband/wife, father/mother, manager, colleague, team member, sports player, community leader, or friend. And when you are done, know when playing each role is required of you and stick to it.

Identify the areas of life that are important to you, for example: artistic expression, positive attitude, career, education, family, friends, financial freedom, physical challenge, pleasure, or public service. Your own combination of these (or different) things, reflect the things that are your priorities in life. When you identify your priorities, focus on them.

You need to be really clear and sometimes painfully honest about what your highest value is, so you can make life-affirming decisions, both big and small, with these values in mind.

Avoid interruptions. Become militant about creating a distraction-free life all around you. When you are at home, be at home and when you are at the office, be at the office. Close out all unnecessary tabs on your browser, silence your phone, and put your headphones on if it’ll help you work. I use this every time I don’t want distractions.

Learn the power of saying “no”. You have a busy day ahead of you, and yet you still accept every assignment thrown at you. Sometimes we forget how important it is to say “no” when we’re busy. While it isn’t always possible to turn down every meeting invitation, try your best to make a case when you’re especially busy. For example, you can ask to leave early or have someone share meeting notes with you.

Create room for change. Sometimes, changes occur in our lives to open us up to new dimensions of rest. But when we resist it and want to go on with our ideals and ways, we may be denying ourselves that singular opportunity to enjoy life.

Pray for guidance. If you are a person of faith, you’ll understand that is important to man may not be important to God. To avoid sweating the small stuff, an insight or inspiration from God may be all you need. Do not neglect the place of praying to understand what is important to do at

How have you been creating a life balance in your own life?



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│