Building the Culture of Personal Excellence

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
4 min readMay 19, 2015

Personal excellence is that dimension of top-rated performance that is unique to you as a person, probably achieved by the appropriate application of your personal productive capacity. As you may know, every tribe, nation, corporation, sports club, business empire has its unique cultures. These cultures may be in different scope in which any of these may be interested in establishing its self or brand. Also, no culture comes down from the blues. It is as a result of collective efforts of the people or organisation, built on self-determination that, this is how we want to be perceived.

In the same vein, to become someone whom others would perceive as an excellent person comes with similar personal dedication to building such culture tending to excellence. Excellence in our world today has moved from being just an aspiration to an essential component of our personal and corporate survival. That is why, if you want to stand out and lead the way, you have to become a person of excellence in your area of calling. Today’s post gives a preview to the culture of people of excellence.

Personal excellence anchors on personal values

Our values are indication of our perception toward a thing or a person. Values reveal the worth of a thing or person to you. Hence, the culture of personal excellence crops from a mindset that deems excellence as a worthy venture. To know whether becoming an excellent person is a value that you hold, check how much time, energy, resources and the likes that you devote to your pursuit of becoming a person of excellence.

Sometime in my life, I discovered I had the potential to become an excellent person. However, I never was seen as one until I truly began to invest more time and resources in seeking excellence and having it as part of my signature. When I see people who truly want to become excellent, I know through the things they value in their life. You cannot understand how your personal values affect your chances to become a person of excellence until you have clarified them. You will keep dangling between mediocrity and trying to be a person of excellence until you understand the worth of excellence and give it the right attention.

Personal excellence requires personal awareness

The knowing that I am and I have what it takes is crucial to every single success on earth. I feel that personal awareness is one of the most powerful forces on earth. Have you ever come to a point of self-awareness before? That moment when it suddenly dawns on you that you have something so important to you that you never knew was there?

My journey to personal excellence started some years back, first on a particular day I felt this awareness that becoming an excellent person is not a mirage and that it is actually within my reach. One thing interesting about personal awareness is that it helps you make every day of your life an opportunity for improvement and productivity.

Becoming a person of excellence requires so importantly that you come to a point where you know that you know that you can excel with your life in your unique area of calling. Just this belief alone has a propelling force that transports you beyond the quarters of mediocre lifestyle.

It also becomes a differentiating factor between you and those who do not know this power and are not working at anything near excellence.

Personal excellence demands personal discipline

The greatest enemy on your way to becoming a person of excellence is personal indiscipline. You must understand that there is something called the ‘discipline of excellence’. People who move on to become associated with excellence do not wait until they feel right before they begin to work towards it. To many of them, asserting the desire to excel over other base desires is mandatory and a common lifestyle.

If I have to have sleepless night to get a job done excellently, then so be it. This is not like the negative version of perfectionism, but because I owe it to those looking up to me, then I task myself to lead the way in a manner that befits the constructive expectations placed on me.

We need to learn to let somethings go in our daily life so that some other better things can come in. If we have habits that rob us of the potential to excel, then we must discipline ourselves to give them up.

Personal excellence leverages on personal responsibility

One of my friends, Dayo Samuel was a speaker at one of my life events, SuccessConverge last year. In the process of his session, he said something that stayed with me. He said that every person is the ‘Chief Responsibility Officer’ of his or her destiny. That means, no one would be responsible for making you an excellent person. It is something you must take personal responsibility for. If at the end of your life, you did not make enough efforts to be reckoned with as a person of excellence, then the blame is up to you. Being a person of responsibility in this context means that you are able to adequately apply your ability in response to the demand for personal excellence. You must take personal responsibility for words that need to be said and actions that need to be taken for excellence to manifest in your life.

One good thing about culture is that it can be learned and shared within social groups and is transmitted by non-genetic means. That is to say, you too can learn about things share on this post and then begin to build your life to become a person of excellence.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│