Good is not Enough When You’ve not done your Best

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readMay 4, 2015

“If you try to do your best there is no failure.” — Mike Farrell

There is no way we can expect the best when what we have put into our life is below the best. Some people may think that coming up best in anything is a fluke that comes by mere chances and a spine of good fortune. No! [tweetthis]To be the best in what you are going to be engaged in, you’ll need to go beyond the good pass mark.[/tweetthis]

Why many people do not get to their best is because of the lack of willingness to pay the price to be the best, even when they have the capacity to do so. I have truly come to consent to the fact or rather, the reality that what you put in is what will yield to you. If you remain at the level of just doing good and not giving your best, you may still achieve some result, but your result may not stand the test of time. It may not be recognized when the best of the best is sought after. Why I think you should go beyond good is because I believe you can do better than you have done so far in your life.

I believe you have the capacity inside of you. I also think you should go beyond good because doing so will place you above your mates and make you stand on the right platform. It is important to know as well that ‘people will always go for the person who displays the best product when they have a choice to choose between good, better and best’. They will not choose your product or services because you are handsome or speak eloquently or taller than everyone. Not even when you are related to them. They want whatever price they pay for any product or service you are rendering to be commensurate in all ramifications. That is to say that ‘the degree to which you are good determines your price tag’.

Even God recognizes that the person who does better should receive the better accolade or reward. Remember what happened between Cain and Abel? They both had an opportunity to give their best to God. They both had the freedom to choose what to offer. What they did not know was that whatever you offer is what you will gain back. Abel went beyond good. The bible said he gave the best of his firstling while his brother Cain gave from his fruits. At the end, Cain was annoyed but God told him that if he had done better, he would have been appreciated better as well. There is no recognition for any man who does not give his best to his work or whatever is committed to his hand. We are living in a generation where the in-thing is to cut corners and exchange excellence for mediocrity. But if this generation will be restored to take its place and reign in excellence, every single one of us must not just desire do our bits but in doing them, be faithful and go beyond good.

I may not be able to begin to list how you would always give your best to whatever your hand find to do but I know that the bible says ‘whatever your hand find to do, do it with all your might’. In another place it says ‘whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord (God) and not unto men’. You know when you are giving yourself wholly to a thing and when you are simply pretending to be serious with what you are doing. But this time, even as you prepare for your future, know that whatever you do, it demands all your best and it is to God that you owe your best. When you fail to do so, you are not only disobeying simple laws for greatness but you are also cheating yourself into a disastrous ending.

Remember that if you are doing your best (and giving over the rest to God), there is no need or time for you to worry about failure.

I hope that this post inspires you to challenge your current level of performance to do better than you’ve ever done before now.

Your friend,


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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│