How To Become An Intentional Learner

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 8, 2015

For anyone to continue to grow and remain relevant in this age, such one must be open to learning. This is because the more you know through learning, the more influence you will command over situations, circumstances and people. As a matter of fact, our response to life will always be correlated to our level of knowledge.

You could only respond to the challenges of this year only at the level of your knowledge. If you knew better through learning, your impact would have been greater this year. You cannot give what you do not have anyway.

This is why it is important to give yourself to life-long learning in the coming year if you truly want to succeed.

[Tweet “Learning is one of the most powerful attitudes you can develop.”]

Learning can change your life.

Whatever you learn that your contemporaries do not know places you a step ahead of them and makes it easier to become a ‘go-to’ person.

Learning adds to your life, increases your worth and market value. Those who continue to learn will always be found at the top in their career. One of Brian Tracy’s ideal is that if you want to be at the top of your profession, you must devote 30 minutes daily to study something new in your field.

What may seem irrelevant today and you neglect learning about may become relevant tomorrow. If that happens, you will lose your relevance in that dimension because you refused to learn about it when you had the chance to do so.

You can never present yourself in any circle beyond what you know. There is nothing more devastating in the time when knowledge is key than being ignorant.

I remember my first two years as a student who found himself in a course of study I never knew anything about. Because of my curious nature, rather than wasting my time studying for another entrance examination, I decided to start learning all that I could about this course.

During this process, my heart was enlightened by the things I discovered. I decided to continue with the course. The things I learnt in those years helped me to maintain my focus because I was thoroughly informed about where the path I have chosen will lead to even though it seemed less traveled.

Today, I am excited I took an informed decision based on knowledge. I wouldn’t say I am now better placed than all of them but I know many of them wished they had the opportunities I’ve had since then.

In in the coming year, you must give yourself to learning new things. Keep up with information, and ensure you are well grounded and versatile.

If you are going to be outstanding for the rest of your life, you must be willing to learn something new every day. But if you are going to learn something you, you must be intentional about it.

Here are some keys that have helped me become a more intentional learner that has impacted my life positively.

1- You must be of a teachable spirit. If you have a resistant spirit to new trends and knowledge, you will not know when what you need to learn comes across your way.

2- You must learn to ask question and develop a curious spirit. If you learn to ask good questions, you will be amazed what you will find.

3- You must not be afraid to admit what you do not know. By so doing you open yourself to learning about that thing.

4- You must be open-minded as you can learn something good from almost any body and anything. Do not be afraid to try new things. When you make mistakes, try again.

5- You have to set a goal to learn something new every week. If you do this, you will learn at least 52 new things in the coming year. That can change your life. Imagine what happens if you double it to two new things a week!

6- You must identify your learning style and adhere to it. It may not necessarily be the same with your super-achieving sibling.

Now, do you have any ideas to add to these? I will like to read your comments.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│