How To Combat Identity Crisis

If you do not define who you are, other people will define you.

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readDec 12, 2015


You can imagine what happens when you leave your identity to be defined by thousands of people you will meet in your entire life. That will definitely result to identity crisis for you. And so long as you live in identity crisis, your chances for success are limited and chances are that you may never succeed at all.

“It is dangerous to leave the definition of your identity in the hands of men.”

People have different expectations of you and will define you based on their personal level of understanding and expectation of you, which at all times is not the real identity of who you are. People will only want to fit you into their personal mould which can most times be very selfish.

Whenever someone is suffering from identity crisis, what happens is the integration of such person’s ideas of him or herself with all the things others think of him or her. Such person then finds it difficult to find a niche for his or her life even though such person may have be gifted and equipped for a specific niche. When this happens, the victim can become confused about the role he or she is meant to play in the web of life.

Why is it important that you combat any identity crisis today?

It has been proven that people with suffering identity crisis often seem to have no idea of who they are, where they belong or where they want to go. They may withdraw from normal life, not taking action or responsibility over their life. They may even turn to negative vices such as crime or drugs, as a way of dealing with identity crisis.

How do you combat your identity crisis?

Find out who you are in God: While men would call you all the things that their human mind can comprehend, God in His book written about you called you a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, a tree planted by the riverside, apple of God’s eye, the beloved of God, and you are engraved on His palm.

To find out these and more, you must keep your eyes on the word and meditate on it daily. By so doing, your real identity will be revealed to you. Whenever someone identifies you with an identity not in line with God’s word, reject it immediately.

Believe who you are in God: Beyond finding out who you are in God, you must believe in who you are in God even when it does not seem like it. Sometimes, who you find out that you in God may be different from who you see now on the outside. You have to believe it until you become it. If you do not believe it, no one will.

Confess who you are in God: Even when it doesn’t seem you have found confidence in who you are in God, just keep confessing it to yourself and to God. Remember that the world you see today was a product of spoken word. The you that is in you can only manifest through your confessions.

Love who you are in God: It is that simple. Do not wait for someone to love you for who you are. Love yourself for who you are in God. That is the first rule to success that we most often overlook. No one can love you like you and that is why no one can see you like you.

Act who you are in God: Do not act like you need some buckets of pity all the time. In fact, the more you seek for pity from human beings, the more vulnerable you become. You must daily act like a son in the house of his father, not a slave. Apart from seeking pity from people, you must also avoid self-pity as well. Walk with your shoulder high, knowing you belong to the most high. Assert yourself at all times and exhibit confidence in who you are in God…

How did you deal with or have been dealing with identity crisis in your own life? Can you let me know what you think in a comment?



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│