How To Create A ‘Success is Inevitable’ Mentality

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 9, 2015

Some people have stayed too long around people with failure mentality that their mindset has been contaminated. They can no longer believe in the possibility of success. To them, there is nothing you can do to make things get better. As far as they are concerned. Failure is their nature and that cannot be changed.

I think that a time comes in our lives when we need to give ourselves a chance and consider success to be a possibility and as well inevitable. It may not happen in a bang, but it will happen in your lifetime.

“One of the things successful people believe in tenaciously is the inevitability of success.”

No matter how many times they try and fail, they still keep believing that it is still possible. What they do is to sit down and review their steps, strategies and methodologies and identify points along the track that they need to make changes in order to get to their destiny.

To achieve this, there are just a few things I do and I will share them briefly with you.

Develop a “with God” mentality

I usually posit a ‘with God’ mentality. No matter what you believe in, you need this internal witness that there’s an external force working with you. Men may discourage you and tell you that you cannot do it but it is left to you to choose whose report to believe. In the sight of men, it is not possible but God says with Him, all things are possible.

God can make a way for you if you believe He can. Does this mean that you will leave the entire process of considering and achieving success to God? No way, it is not done that way. You have to play your role while God plays His too.

Develop the inevitability thinking process

I have a guided thinking process that ensures I think success to be inevitable. This is a process that requires you to respond to some intrinsic questions about where you want to be per time in your life. Such questions include but not limited to such like:

Where do you want to be in 20 years? 50 years? Imagine yourself at your own funeral. Where do you want to be by the end of next year?

You will need to review and update your answers to these questions regularly in order to maintain focus on your long-term vision and success targets.

Develop a system for tracking your progress

I have a process of tracking my progress and making changes or corrections as I go. This will require that you pay attention to details and become accountable for every goal you must have set to yourself.

You must be willing to tell yourself the truth when you derail from the track as this is the only way you can get your focus back. You must be willing as well to rebuke yourself and accept the truth about where you got it wrong.

Most importantly, you must be willing to adjust and make positive changes that lead to success.

Decide to do one thing every day no one is courageous to do.

Challenge your abilities. There is more to you than meets the eyes. You are more than who people say or think you are. So, do not limit yourself at the points where your friends and people around you limited themselves. Tell yourself you can do it. Do one thing every day. After a week, you’ll become better in it. After a month, you’ll be special. After a year, you will be remarkable.

Know it doesn’t end when it doesn’t work the first time

I have had several encounters of first time failure. At the same time, I can hardly remember when I gave up after only one first time. In fact, I can hardly remember when I gave up. I just keep fighting form what I believe.

It may make you look foolish but then, you become fulfilled at the end of it when you achieve your goals.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│