Leading a Significant Life

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
2 min readMar 23, 2015

I can relate with the fact that one of your greatest desire this year is to see your life matter. I also feel same way, I desire to see that my life will matter and mean something this year.

However, it is the same desire that becomes the undoing of many. In this bid to become significant, we can become tensed as well. We become fearful; fearful that we will come and go without anyone knowing we were here.

This distorts our notion of and ability to truly decipher the intent of significance. We then become easily lured to ‘success’ by other people definition, always thinking that is what significance ought to be.

Then, we begin to strive- strive with out lack of education, our spot on the financial ladder, our looks and background. We begin to crave for attention in uncommon places and from uncommon people. Fashion publicists then tell us ‘we’ll be somebody if we wear their jeans.’ So, we go out and spend our life’s savings on a pair of designer jeans. But then, style changes, better model of a car is made and yours become outdated — it becomes yesterday’s jeans, yesterday’s car, iphone 6, and so on.

Simply put: you can’t lead a significant life from the out side.

A significant life comes from the inside. Your sense of significance must come from Someone you know will never change just like apple changes its iphones and Calvin Klein changes its jeans. It must come from Someone you trust, Someone who knows the worst about you and still yet remains committed to maturing you. That Someone is God!

The first step to leading a significant life is to acquaint yourself with this Someone. He will keep His promises. He will lead you to significance. He will show you the way! You are precious in His sight! From Him emanates your significance.

Your friend,
Apeh Omede



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│