Let Your Subconscious Guide You

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
2 min readNov 26, 2015


Done on purpose; deliberate.

Growing up we do lots of things that don’t make sense to us when we are older. We do things because of our emotions or impulse. I am just as much at fault for doing this as anyone at times. Since I was young I have made it a point to be intentional with my actions, even if they were out of passion or in the heat of the moment.

In August of 2013 I made the decision to want to leave my family’s enterprise. I did not know what I wanted to do for a profession anymore.

It was my intention to work in the company until I retired. I would then pursue my other passions as a career.

From then on, the relationship between my dad and I became very strained and uncomfortable. Working in the office together was constantly a challenge as we avoided each other. It was then that I made the decision to go back to college to finish my associates degree from nearly 8 years prior.

I started taking classes at my local community college. The plan was to have these courses put me on a path to leaving the company. It was during that time that I would (intentionally) say things that I knew would start an argument with my father.

I subconsciously wanted to make it easier to walk away from what was supposed to be the path of owning the company someday in the future. I knew there was no other way out of the company without fighting for it.

It has been a year and a half since the last argument that led to my exit of the company. I have been able to create an amazing platform for my creative work. Everyday I wake up happier than I ever have been in my life. Ready to take on the challenges of creating new pieces of work to add to my portfolio.

The way we go about getting what we want or need in life is not always pretty. We know what we want even if our intentions only come out because our subconscious is forcing our hand. [Tweet “Be intentional and listen to your subconscious.”]

It will make you realize that your actions are more intentional than you may think.

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This is a guest post by Joe Pardo, a New Jersey-based dreamer, has always believed that society starts with you, and that to change society you must first change how you think. You can find all of his podcasts, books, music, online platform building school, conference, films, talks, and so much more over at his blog www.SuperJoePardo.com


This post is part of the #Last70Days Blog-Athon in 2015, a 70-day challenge toward the end of each year to help you to apply intentional approach to excellence in the coming year. If you want to follow the series in 2016, you can subscribe using the form below.



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│