Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
5 min readOct 1, 2015

When I think of a life of greatness, I am not thinking of taking charge over any person. I am thinking of how to take charge over ME. It is about CONQUERING ME, and not in seeking to out-perform mates, colleagues or contemporaries. It is in making ME say ‘YES’ to the things that require yes and ‘NO’ to the things that do not. It is in making ME release myself to the fullest of ‘MY POTENTIAL’ and not to complain of what I have or do not have. It is in making ME ensure that every day of my ‘LIFE COUNTS’ before my maker and to the blessing of those I am sent to.

If I am able to take charge over ME and achieve what I AM fashioned to achieve, that would be a greater trophy than anything else. I am convinced that if I can conquer ME, then I can help others do same. I believe that if I understand very well, the limiting factors that hinder ME from the dimension of progress I anticipate, then I will be able to strategize properly against each of them in my future.

Therefore, what I have done with my day is to carefully decide how I will overcome ME and I came up with 8 decisions. I want to share them with you.

1. I will revolutionize my words
I will maintain a good testimony about myself, my future and anything that concerns me. Where the word of a king is, there is power. I am a king and there is power in my words. Remember also, that the power of life and death is in the tongue. [tweetthis]What you confess is what you what you will conceive. [/tweetthis]

[tweetthis]You must learn to use the power in your tongue to demand upward mobility for your life and destiny.[/tweetthis] If you were negative all through the year with your words, you wouldn’t expect anything different. This is your opportunity to change. Bring life and hope into what you speak about your today and your future..

2. I will overhaul my thinking
I am of the conviction that one of the highest levels of prayers occurs at my thought dimension. Whether you believe in any faith or not, whenever you think, whatever you believe in has a way of bringing what exists in your thought or mind into manifestation. This is what some people call the law of attraction. If you are a Christian, you must then have heard of the scripture that says ‘Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us’.

No matter what you call it, your thoughts are powerful. Your thinking process has got to change if you truly need to experience a greater life. You must understand that the devil is after your mind and wants you to think the average. All things are possible to them that believe. You must learn to think possibility rather than otherwise.

3. I will take charge of my emotions
I am the one who is hurting myself by the feelings and emotions I allow to rule my life. Have you felt all through this year that nobody loves or cares about you? Have you felt more of neglect than acceptance? These are not as very important as it would have been if you had learned to first love yourself. You don’t have to feel the same way for the rest of your life. Here, you must learn to apply the ‘first things first’ principle. Do not feel that you are not loved by anybody. Just love yourself first and bother less about who loves or does not love you.

4. I will make powerful decisions
I will not leave my life to inconsistency. I decide to be responsible for my actions by ensuring I take the decisions that will lead to them. What decisions will you make and act on from the words you hear from God and from those who have authority over you in form of leadership or mentorship? Are you going to hear great words of instructions and just fling them under the carpet?

It is not a matter of how much we read or hear in terms of great teachings and instructions, but of what we learn and what decisions emanate from them at the long run. [tweetthis]An indecisive life is one that would be easily blown away by every wind of opinions.[/tweetthis]

5. I will evaluate my actions
It is important that our actions are put to constant checks and scrutiny as they go a long way to affect our lives and our relationship with other people. Our actions should be such that inspire us to live life at its fullness and also motivate other people to be the best that they can be.

It is important we do this on regular basis to ensure that our actions are in line with our held convictions, principles and decisions. And without evaluating your actions, you will not know how effective you have been in accomplishing your goals.

6. I will establish healthy habit
Habits are what eventually become our characters at the long run.

Many of us will come up with great dreams and visions but what is most important is whether our habits will be congruent with the dreams and visions to the extent that they will translate into empowering and live changing characters.

Building healthy habits will change your life. If you want to be effective; if you want to make a positive impact on the people around you; if you want to change the world in some way; you need to start by examining your habits and ensuring that they are healthy ones. You need to learn to talk well to people, dress properly, eat well, exercise as often as possible, rest well, and relate well. Your opportunity for a greater life is tied to all of these in one way or the other.

7. I will develop godly characters
Who do you represent when you are out there in the office or meeting with people, trying to carry out your daily activities or responsibilities? Do you show people respect and that they are valuable? God has put you here on earth to touch lives and make a difference. You will not achieve that if you do not have godly characters developed from your habits.

8. I will embrace my destiny
There are many things you can do but there is one thing you cannot afford not to do and that is not living your destiny. There are things you have to do because you want to fulfil your destiny. A question you must ask yourself if you have a destiny you are ready to fulfill by embracing it and paying the price it will demand from you.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│