What to do When Your Life Plan Fails

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
4 min readOct 25, 2015

While it is possible for a life plan to fail, no matter how beautiful it has been crafted, it is more important to know what to do when your life plan fails.

You need to know that failure happens. Things get out of place. There are times when it may not necessarily be as a result of negligence. You may still do all you can and still not hit the bull’s eye.

You may feel angry, frustrated and depressed when your life plan fails. That’s okay. We’ve all been there. And you won’t be the last to experience such.

But then, you don’t remain in that state the rest of your life. Your ability to stand up again after a failed life plan and put yourself to work is more important than going through life without having an opportunity to experience any challenge that can build you up.

So, these are things I encourage you to do if you find out that your life plan for the year has failed.

Know that you are still alive

Put your hand over your chest. Is it still beating? The fact that you are currently reading this means you are not dead. Get that into your head. That your life plan failed doesn’t mean that is the end of your life. In fact, let me quickly remind you of the saying that ‘while there’s life, there’s hope!

This is the most important thing to do when your life plan fails. To be conscious of the fact that you are still alive and well. After all, what does a dead man need a life plan for? It is only the living that needs a life plan. So, keep calm about it and seek help. Happy now? You should!

Know that it is okay to fail

Yes, it okay to fail. The only problem is when you allow that to become your tag name. We live in a society when there is not room for tolerance with self. Because of esteem and pride, we neglect the humane part of our life. The vague picture of being a super-star who doesn’t make mistake is highly over-rated. Do not fall for that fallacy.

At this point, it is important to understand the difference between a temporary set back and failure.

It is okay to fail and that does not define you in any way. But do not remain in that mindset.

Find out why your life plan failed

Knowing the reasons why your life plan failed is the next thing you need to do. Finding that out almost halves the problem. There’s no way you will avoid failing again if you do not first, conscientiously attempt so seek answers to the reasons why things didn’t work just out as planned.

Now, this is not time to blame anyone, the government, society or your current situation. None of them has anything to do with it. It is simply something that has more to do with you than any other person or thing around you.

I highlighted some of the reasons you may have to consider in a previous post on why life plan fails. You may want to look at it for guidance.

To do this effectively, you need to be damn honest with yourself. No playing games. It is your life you are talking about.

Re-plan again

Based on your sincere personal assessment of what happened, take out time to plan again. This time, put into consideration everything you missed previously. Remember, trying to do the same thing over and over again without success and yet expecting to get a change in experience or in result is equated to craziness. That means you must do things differently this time.

If a previous method does not work, try something else. Be specific. Get clear about what you truly want and make sure you have what it takes to work them out. Instead of continuing on regrets and complains, just start again.

Seek help with your life plan

When you go back to the drawing board, ensure you do not swim alone in the ocean of life. Seek help from trusted mentors and friends. You may want to consult a life plan coach if you can afford it to help you attain clarity with your life plan.

Brainstorm new alternatives that resonates with your goals in life. Seek knowledge.

Take action

Don’t just draft a new life plan and then let it lay on the shelf. Take actions. Do the work. Don’t give up. Believe. Have faith. Work hard. Pray, if you believe in prayers. By all means, make sure you are working on it daily. Ensure consistency and commitment. Think of what the rewards of achieving your life plan would mean to you. Think of how that could change your life and let that drive you.



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│