When My Daughters Clock 18

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readNov 29, 2015

One of the days I was hosted by Terri Padonu on WeWoman, a programme of WeFM Abuja, I had the epiphany of how I’d engage and prepare my daughters for their 18th birthdays. I believe I have stories they should aspire not to repeat.

My growing up sold me some stereotypes that I do not regret but that I wish I had the resourcefulness to redirect to my advantage, early enough. I am fortunate to be born to a humble parentage. Easygoing, gentle, not overtly ambitious, modest, and absolutely faithful. I think these are rare combinations for the time we are in. They are not unavailable; however, few demonstrate it… I, inclusive.

Of all these values that I imbibed from my parents, many times I feel I was ‘too slow’ to get comfortable. Because my Dad would always say ‘what is life if not to just sleep and wake up’, I seemed to have unconsciously lived by that mantra. ‘No need to fight or hustle for anything. It will happen at its own time, irrespective.’

In retrospect, there are clearly some areas that I would have rewritten this code… and my daughters would be able to achieve that with my support in providing the right orientation. So these are a few I am giving you for free:

Succeed early: Pastor E.A Adeboye says ‘the earlier you succeed, the better time you have to pursue loftier dreams beyond your original line of sight.’ Frankly, I am glad at the pace I have come to date; and yet, I am desirous to accelerate my success rate. No wonder I am failing faster. Tony Robbins says “the faster you fail at many ambitions, the faster your potentials to succeed early.” Whatever attempts you must make to succeed on time in life, attempt them. Succeed early.

Settle down early: Now, marriage freaks, I am not referring to marriage here. Lol. I mean, instead of living large and flouting wealth because you have succeeded early, develop a long term wealth engine that will almost certain regenerate your wealth potentials in quantum leaps. Do this on time and find your significance value afterwards.

Set your Significance value promptly: My senior friend, Ahmadu Ibrahim Maigari taught me that significance equals LEARNING A SKILL OUTSIDE YOUR FORTE, GROWING IT, MAKING IT PROFITABLE AND USING IT TO BENEFIT HUMANITY. That was profound for me. Since it takes real love for humanity to become comfortable learning what is not your natural area of strength, your promise to outlive your physical frame is embedded in your significance value. Don’t wait to age. Do it early.

My daughters are cut out to outperform my lifetime record. Are you ready yourself?

m a k t u b!!!

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Sam Obafemi

This is a guest post by Samuel Babatunde Obafemi (popularly called Coach samOBAFEMI) is a Behavioural Change Expert and a Master NLP Practitoner, a licenced Anger Mastery Therapist & Emotional Intelligence Expert and a certified Peak Performance, Business and Life Coach (NCFE, UK. He consults (in Strategy & Operations) for several businesses domestically and abroad. He is the host of #SerenityLounge on Radio (www.facebook.com/SerenityLoungeNG). He has authored 5 books including the recent FEARLESS SEED. Coach Sam OBAFEMI can be reached via welisten@samobafemi.com; 234–807–361–0884. Also follow him on www.twitter.com/sobafemi and www.facebook.com/samobafemi.

This post is part of the #Last70Days Blog-Athon in 2015, a 70-day challenge toward the end of each year to help you to apply intentional approach to excellence in the coming year. If you want to follow the series in 2016, you can subscribe using the form below.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│