Why ‘Boldness’ is my One Word for 2015 (#OneWord2015)

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readMar 20, 2015

This is my first post in 2015. I am excited about it. Before I go on, I just hope this year started well for you? It has been an awesome beginning for me. There are a few reasons why you have not heard from me or seen any post on my blog so far. The major one is that my webhost server has been down and there’s a promise to have it resolved by the end of this week.

My first post today is the first edition of Monday Success Reflections for 2015. What I have decided to do today is to share on my one word for 2015. Today’s post is focused on sharing with you on the one word I want to dwell on to guide me through out the year and then encourage you to do same. I first learned about this principle from James Prescott and I have decided to imbibe it for every year that God permits me to see for the rest of my life. So my #OneWord2015 is ‘Boldness’.

Why Boldness?
There are several good words that one can choose from to dwell on and grow into for a year. I have seen great words like transformation, intentional, responsibility, integrity, passion, and so on. So, why did I choose ‘boldness’? Does it mean I have lived all my life till this moment in fear and timidity? No way! But something has changed. Let me share with you why boldness.

God factor: I feel in my heart that God is leading me to become bold in my dealings with Him and in leading a life that is more pleasing to Him without minding what people around me would say about my passion and dedication to Him.

Vision factor: I feel that the things God has put in my heart to achieve this year are far much than can be attained with a timid heart. If the vision that is ringing in my heart must be seen to come pass, then I must by all means be more bold than I have ever been in my life to confront the battles as I set to hit the road toward the vision. To succeed this year, we need to be daring!

Growth factor: I feel that the more you boldly confront the things that limit you, the more you grow into a better person because the things we face build patience, courage, intelligence, creativity, love, resilience and so on. And as you have these things developed in you by bold confrontation of life’s challenges, you grow into a better person.

Difference factor: My understanding about boldness has gone beyond being fearless to meaning ‘beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action’; ‘strikingly different or unconventional’; and ‘clear and distinct to the eye’. I have come to realize that every man of greatness we know today practiced boldness as a virtue. So, I feel that in boldness lies my potential to attain this year’s greatness.

And so, these are my reasons for deciding to let ‘Boldness’ lead me through this year. I want to challenge you to pray and allow God to speak to your heart to choose #OneWord2015 that will guide you to stand tall this year, confront your limitations and achieve your personal greatness.

I desire that your Life will Excel!

Your friend,
Apeh Omede



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│