Winning the Battle for a Focused life

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
3 min readOct 27, 2015

In attempting to achieve greatness, there are many things to battle with and each of the battle must be won. Most people however, pay much attention to the wrong battles. One battle we cannot afford to lose is the battle over distractions and the inability to remain focused.

The truth is that you may fight every other battle but if you do not win the battle to remain focused, you will sure lose all other battles. That is how important focus is to your life and destiny. Focus is the determinant of every other life’s battle.

If the battle for focus is won, with time, the other battles of life will definitely be won as well. That is how powerful focus is. People who are not focused may be okay in many things but never have one thing they are great at.

[Tweet “Focusing on what matters most empowers our potential.”]

“You’ve got to be super focused like a laser to get anything worthwhile done” — James Cameron.

Being focused does not mean you cannot think wide or allow your imagination to wander beyond the common view of life. However, let your imagination help you find out that one thing you need to focus on to make your life better.

Unfortunately, we are currently living in a noisy world, full of social media hypes and hi-tech TVs with eyes-gluing programmes on every channel. Life has become sophisticated and exotic. Therefore, everyone tries to catch up. To be able to do so, you must have to do or know a bit of everything. With that kind of lifestyle, it becomes extremely difficult to win the battle over distractions and maximize the power of focus.

[Tweet “Focusing on what matters most enhances our productivity.”]

I will not be shocked if a greater percentage of failures in the society are composed of people without focus or who do not understand and value the importance of focus. My intention therefore, is to help you win the battle for focus so that you will not live a life of distraction in the coming year. To do that I am asking you these questions concerning what you are focusing on right now.

Is this consistent with your priorities?

Before you become focused on anything, it is important that it is in your list of priorities and that only things on such list actually deserve your undivided focus. Because if it is not on your list of priorities, then it is not important to you and does not need to distract you.

Is this within your area of competence?

Do not sweat the stuff trying to become great in your area of incompetence. It will not work unless you go acquire the right competence. You will not only waste your time, but you will also waste your resources.

Can someone else do it better you can?

If it is in a place of assignment or where achieving results is the main goal, why don’t you just leave it for someone who’s better so long as there is such person? This will actually give you more time to concentrate on the things that matter most.

What do your trusted friends say to you about it?

Even though you cannot rely totally on man’s wisdom and judgement, there are times when trusted friend can help you become focused in your life. Listen to what they say and judge for yourself. You may find a clue to what should be most important to you and deserves your life’s focus.

How much time do you have for it?

Do not forget that one your greatest assets here on earth is your time. And what you use your time to do should be something that’s worth your time and focus. When confronting a task, ensure it’s worth your time and give your best to it.

[Tweet “Winning the Battle for a Focused life is not optional.”]

To help you further, I am sharing two resources with you on how to become a focused person.

The first is a book, The Power of Focus: What the World’s Greatest Achievers Know about The Secret to Financial Freedom and the second is a video from a TEDTalk, The Importance of Focus.

Can you leave a comment below on your experience with focus? You bet, I will surely reply.

Your friend,

Apeh Omede



Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│