You and Your Life Plan Triangle

Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence
4 min readOct 23, 2015
LifePlan Triangle. Copyright: Apeh Omede

Living your best life shouldn’t be as difficult as you think or have been made to believe. However, to achieve this, part of what we need to do is to order our life well. Each of us must take active role in shaping our future. You must own this thought.

To not have a life plan is like travelling in an unknown terrain without a compass or going on a tour without a guide. You may call it adventure, but you do not have all the time in life to make mistakes.

Because every man is built with the capacity to imagine the future, one of such future you are expected to imagine regularly is that of the kind of life you want to experience.

Why do you need a life plan?

According to Michael Hyatt, there are very powerful three reasons why you need a life plan. These are:

  • It will give you clarity about where your life is headed.
  • It will keep you in balance when things get crazy.
  • It will give you peace of mind, knowing you are addressing those aspects of your life that matter most.

Your Life Plan Triangle

Your life plan is an interconnected activity with 3 cores, that when properly examined, come together to help you forge an actionable life. The point at which these 3 meet for every area of your life should be the framework for creating your life plan. These 3 cores are explained below.

What do you want?

Defining what you truly want at any moment of your life gives you something to look forward to on a continual basis.

Analyse your current situation in every part of your life. Define for yourself what you really want out of life. Make a list of where you desire to achieve at a given moment of your life. In doing this, you have to think limitless. Do you have a compelling vision? Without it, you will continue to lack motivation and you won’t thrive. There has to be a picture in your mind of you realizing your goals by the end of the year. If you cannot see it, how will you achieve it?

Why do you want to get out of your current situation?

Define your motivation. Why do you want to get out of your current situation? What is the PAIN that can push you out of your current SITUATION? Why do you want your new situation? What is the PLEASURE that can pull you into your desired situation?

How can you get there?

Go for KNOWLEDGE. Find books, methods, courses and anything that can help you move from point A (your now situation) to point B (your desired situation). Set deadlines to help you achieve them and follow them piously and tenaciously.

A life that is fulfilled is usually one with a plan. The fact that you have something planned and it is achieved is a full does of fulfilment in itself. So, this is the time of the year for annual checks of whereabouts. Your guide should be the life plan you prepared for last year. And if there is none, then, now is time to start thinking of the year ahead.

Application of the Life Plan Triangle

So if you haven’t already done it recently, pull out a piece of paper, or fire up your computer, and write down (honestly and accurately) where you are right now and what you’re doing right now in each of the main areas of your life (health, relationships, work/career, spirituality etc.).

To make sure you’re really being honest with yourself involve someone important in this exercise. That is, ask your partner or a friend to assess the accuracy of your self-assessment. This can be a bit confronting sometimes but it will be far more effective if you’re far more honest!

Then write down where you would like to be in each of these life domains. Consider whether you’re really doing what you need to be doing to achieve the life you really want to be living.

And if you discover you are not doing what you need to do to achieve the life you want, think about what changes you need to make. Maybe you need to sleep more to refresh your body, or you need to eat well and exercise more to live healthier, or you need to learn more about financial skills to gain that financial independence. Just check it. It could be anything.

When you discover what you need to change or do, look for who has the ability to help you. This could be a coach or a mentor. This could be through other programs such as seminars and buying books with information that will help you.

When you get the knowledge, you have to then put it to use in the area of your life that you seek change. Without that nothing really happens.

What’s your view? I will like to know. Drop me a note in the comment box.

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Dr. Apeh Omede
Intentional Excellence

Lecturer | Agtech Ecosystem Enthusiast│Author: Unstoppable You│Leadership, Social Change, Youth Devt & Agriculture│