What’s in a Name?

Becky Conway
Intentional Grounding


Apparently, my ability to do yoga!

Photo by Dynamic Wang on Unsplash

“What you think, you become” — Buddha

I’m not a “yogi” by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, most times I struggle with whether or not I even consider myself someone who “does yoga.” I seem to go in spits and spats… I’ll do yoga for a while, consistently, and then not do it again for literal years. Literal yeeeears.

“How long have you been doing yoga?” they ask.

Who knows?, I reply, with a shrug.

And really, who cares?

What I *do* know, is that in those positive yoga phases, when my practice is consistent and includes restorative poses, I feel better. Physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Not just “better” — which feels like a $1.00 throw away word. But more flexible. And yes, I mean more flexible physically, emotionally, and mentally. Not only is my back less sore, but I feel as if my mind is more open to ideas and that my ability to think creatively is improved.

Then, last week as I was looking into what it meant to do “restorative yoga,” I learned about the *actual* name of one of my favorite poses: Supine Bound Angle.

The Importance of Spelling

I had, for my entire yoga life, been calling this the Supine Bound Angel pose!



Becky Conway
Intentional Grounding

Lover of books, player of basses, dabbler of hobbies, writer, and certified life coach