Don’t Not Do It

Intentional Living
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2014

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Photo by Tacodelgato Licensed Attribution No-Derivatives

Photo by Tacodelgato
Licensed Attribution No-Derivatives[/caption]

I had a cruddy workout yesterday morning. I kept losing track of where I was at in my routine, rushed through exercises that I’m supposed to do slowly, and didn’t take enough rest time between sets. It wasn’t great, but I did it.

My wife and I were talking about our workouts afterward and this is the statement that popped out of my mouth: “At least we did it. Every day we do it is another day we didn’t not do it.”

That is horrible grammar. But it is true.

Whatever your dreams and goals are, every day that you work towards them is another day that you didn’t not work toward them. It’s another day you don’t have to regret not trying. It’s another day further down the path to your dreams, even if that section of trail was a little rough.

This is a real encouragement for when things don’t go well. The thing you wrote was awful? That’s one more awful piece of writing out of your way as you get better! You couldn’t finish your workout? That’s one less half-done workout on your way to fitness!

Whatever it is that didn’t go well, it’s just part of learning and growing. No matter what it was, it was still better than not doing it at all. We all make mistakes, especially when we’re trying to do something significant. But don’t let that be something that keeps you from trying.

Do it, because (even though the grammar is awful) every time you do it is another time you didn’t not do it.

What aren’t you going to not do today?



Intentional Living

Jesus follower, Librarian, and Writer. Trying to do something extraordinary in life.