The Importance of doing it, Now.

Kyle Tunis
Three Pillars Fitness
4 min readDec 20, 2019

The moment you stop saying “ill do it later” is the moment that the momentum of your life increases exponentially. What we’re actually saying when we say I’ll do it later is that we really don't prioritize what it is that’s required of us enough to take the time and effort to do it. The danger in this is that the tasks we often put off, are the ones that we know are incredibly important for our well being, hitting the gym? nah, meditating? nah, getting that glass of water while sitting there thirsty for two hours binging game of thrones, later. (go drink some water!) The reason this is so dangerous is because modern life in its’ most simplistic form is a feedback loop, you smile and your brain literally releases hormones to make you feel happy, which in turn makes you want to smile more making you more likely to be happy in the long run, if you get burned by fire, it makes you more cautious of the flame and likely to stay away. Important take away here is that by saying “i’ll do it later” to the critical aspects of your life you’re actively giving negative feed back to those tasks telling yourself they’re not important enough to do now. Consequently saying “i’ll do it later” is making yourself LESS likely to do it later, and EVEN LESS likely to start an important habit that will change everything.

Photo by Naomi Hébert on Unsplash

This principle applies equally if not more importantly to relationships and friendships as well. Something I especially acknowledge i’m guilty of, when someone takes time out of their day to be there for you and message you, or call you, and you care for this person, don’t wait to respond, life is short and moments to make an impact are even shorter, show up, and get it done. When your spouse had a rough day at work and asks you to help clean around the house, don’t put it off, just get it done and show the people in your life how important they are by SHOWING not just them, but yourself that they are your priority. Because it isn’t what a person says that makes you feel something, it’s what a person DOES that makes all the difference. Below i’ve listed a few ways that you can start to eliminate this habit and how you can start to integrate this change into your life today.

  1. Listening isn’t the same as Hearing- These two words may sound as though they mean the same things but in reality, they couldn’t be further. Hearing is something instinctual, it’s your brain being alerted to a sound, nothing more, nothing less, it’s involuntary. Listening however is a conscious decision, you’re actively CHOOSING voluntarily to give attention and mental focus to this and in turn sending a message to your brain that this is important enough to listen to right now. If something or someone is important enough to choose to listen to them why not follow through with the motion you started and show them that they’ve got your priority? your spouse, kids, and anyone you engage with will notice your energy and be appreciative.
  2. Apply the 2 minute rule of time management- Productivity Consultant and Author David Allen inspired a rule called the 2 minute rule, simply spoken if the task could be completed in 2 minutes or less, dont wait, just do it now. This rule also translates towards building and sustaining new habits as well which ill flesh out in a future article.
  3. Be mindful of your actions and their impact to others- Commonly spoken of in the form of meditation where you simply observe your thoughts without judgement, make yourself aware of them and keep yourself anchored through breathing. What I’m recommending is more easily integrated this very moment, I mean for you to lean towards listening more than hearing, and speaking more than saying, doing more than thinking. Conciously observe the way that you affect those around you, what changes your energy brings to a room and the way that you impact the envrioment around you. Happiness inexplicably comes from within, but sources outside of us still greatly impact us, especially when the source is someone close or admired, be mindful of how you treat others, how your words make them feel and your intention within each interaction. This world is full of struggles and sorrow, don’t create more, try to leave every interaction you have better than it was before you engaged, you’ll be happier for having done it and the world will be a brighter place.
Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

I want to leave you with this final thought, how does it make you feel when you ask reach out and someone shows you priority? It likely makes you feel special, important, and valued, and on the flip-side, when you get put off to the side, likely a less desireable set of adjectives. Each day, you have the ability within you to change the perspective of everyone you engage with, don’t sleep life away by giving your focus to inanimate objects more than you do the vibrant and inspiring beings around you. Prioritize life, not objects, prioritize mindfulness, not mindlessness and lastly prioritize Health and your well-being, you’ll feel better and have more profound impact on your world around you.



Kyle Tunis
Three Pillars Fitness

Owner of Three Pillars Fitness, the Personal Training Service and Coaching Network to achieve a strong body, anda resilient mind. NASM PT, CES, MMACS, Nerd