October 2022: MT for Massively Multilingual Companies, New Providers and Languages in the MT Catalog, and More

James Hjerpe
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2022

This month, we have several highlights for you to catch up on — such as our presentation on MT for ‘massively multilingual’ companies, 24 new languages from Alibaba, a new provider in the catalog, and more. Enjoy!

🌎 Our strategies to boost language accessibility for ‘massively multilingual’ companies

🗣 Huge influx of languages from Alibaba, 24 of which are new to the Intento Catalog

🤖 Ubiqus is now available in the Intento API

📝 DeepL offers glossary support for English to/from Dutch

📊 The inside scoop on developing the 2022 State of Machine Translation Report

🚀 Get insights to start 2023 strong at SlatorCon Remote

📚 Other news from throughout the AI and MT communities

Implementing language accessibility programs for global companies

Maintaining language inclusivity in the digital workplace can be a significant challenge for global companies — but mastering language inclusivity is a huge step towards making your enterprise ‘world-ready.’

In this post, we share our strategies for adapting to an increasingly multilingual team using Intento’s unmatched interoperability and inclusive design choices for an unbeatable ROI.

Check it out here.

24 new languages from Alibaba

The Intento MT Catalog leverages cutting-edge AI to keep you up to date on the latest changes to the MT landscape. This past month, our tech spotted a huge influx of new languages from Alibaba — and 24 are new to Intento.

Here are the new offerings:

ab: Abkhazian

bal: Baluchi

chm: Mari

csb: Kashubian

inh: Ingush

kdx: Kam

kha: Khasi

kr: Kanuri

li: Limburgish

ltg: Latgalian

mus: Creek

nch: Central Huasteca Nahuatl

ngu: Guerrero Nahuatlhup: Hupa

nv: Navajo

oj: Ojibwa

pmn: Pam

rm: Romansh

rue: Rusyn

se: Northern Sami

szl: Silesian

syr: Syriac

umb: Umbundu

wa: Walloon

zza: Zaza

Ubiqus is the latest provider added to the Intento API

You can use Ubiqus for around 260 language pairs — including Hong Kong Chinese (zh-hk)– in Intento tools and connectors. In-domain models (including public models) are available by model name, as can custom models.

To use Ubiqus with Intento, you would need to have a contract with Ubiqus and connect your account to Intento. Check it out to see how adding another provider can help you enhance your business’ MT program.

A full list of providers can be found here.

DeepL now supports glossaries for English to Dutch and Dutch to English.

Glossary updates are a quick and easy way to manage the terminology specific to your company, whether that’s product names, DNT abbreviations, specialist and ad-hoc terminology, etc.

You can read more about how to continuously maintain your MT program over time here — and can see all available custom options in the Intento API.

Developing the 2022 State of Machine Translation Report

Loving the State of Machine Translation 2022 report — or curious about what all the fuss is about?

At AMTA 2022 in Orlando, Intento CEO Konstantin Savenkov and e2f CEO Michel Lopez broke down the data selection and preparation process, the report methodology, principal scores to rely on when studying MT outcomes, and the main report outcomes (best performing MT engines for every language/domain combination).

If you missed his lecture, read the full summary here.

‘Machine Optimism in Uncertain Times’ coming to SlatorCon Remote

Konstantin Savenkov will be taking to the SlatorCon stage to hit key points to consider entering into the new year. You can expect the following:

  • What 2022 has brought to the MT/AI table and how global enterprises are utilizing the new technology to address today’s challenges.
  • The main bottlenecks of the enterprise adopting new language technologies and the crucial value drivers and sources of ROI noted across the broad Intento customer base.
  • Intento’s annual State of Machine Translation report findings and trending topics.
  • The economic downturn, the rise of AI-generated content, and how they may shape the language technology landscape in 2023.

Register here.

