Making a Powerful Ritual Oil for Protection

Adding a touch of magic to help create healthier personal boundaries.

Mynah Marie
Inter Mundos Magicae


Photo from Unsplash. Watch on YouTube.

We all have moments when we need to shield ourselves, whether it’s from negative energies or from other people. As we deepen our connection with spirit and our awareness expands, we become more attuned to all kinds of energies. That’s why learning about protective magic and how to banish negativity is crucial for any kind of spiritual practitioner.

Today, I’ll be creating a powerful ritual oil for protection.

I’m creating this oil during a waning moon because it’s to me the perfect moon phase for any kind of magic that has to do with protection, purification, or banishing. This recipe is my personal creation, you can adapt it to your specific needs, or follow it as is. If you choose to change it, always do your own research on the plants and resins you’re using.

The ingredients I chose for this oil are:

  • St. John’s Wort
  • Black Pepper
  • Angelica
  • Rue
  • Agrimony
  • Nettle
  • Ginger
  • Myrrh
  • Rosemary
  • Bay Leaves



Mynah Marie
Inter Mundos Magicae

They/them. Gender fluid person of multiple identities. Always finding new passions. Writing, music, creative coding, digital art, spirituality, and witchcraft.