Self-Care Routines for Stress Relief

Simple Steps to a Calmer You

Teddy Szn
Growth, Life, Lessons
3 min readJun 27, 2024


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We all have those days when life feels like too much, well, don’t worry, there are ways to beat stress and feel better. Here are some easy self-care routines you can try to find your calm again.

  1. Start Your Day Right

Mornings can be hectic, but starting the day with a little self-care can make a big difference. Try waking up a bit earlier to have some quiet time. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, stretch, or meditate for a few minutes. This can help set a calm tone for the day.

2. Move Your Body

Exercise is a great way to fight stress. You don’t need to hit the gym for hours. A simple walk around the block, a quick yoga session, or even dancing to your favorite song can help. Moving your body releases endorphins, which are natural stress-busters.

3. Eat Well

What you eat affects how you feel. Try to eat balanced meals with lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar, which can make stress worse. Drinking plenty of water also helps keep your body and mind in good shape.

4. Take Breaks

When you’re busy, it’s easy to forget to take breaks. But stepping away from your work or chores for a few minutes can help you recharge. Try the 5–5–5 rule: every 5 hours, take a 5-minute break to breathe deeply and stretch.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness means being present in the moment. It’s about focusing on what you’re doing right now, instead of worrying about the past or future. You can practice mindfulness through meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying attention to your surroundings.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for managing stress. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep each night. Create a bedtime routine to help you wind down. This could include reading a book, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music. Avoid screens before bed, as they can make it harder to fall asleep.

7.Connect with Loved Ones

Talking to friends and family can help you feel better. Don’t keep your stress to yourself. Share how you’re feeling with someone you trust. Sometimes, just having someone listen can make a big difference.

8. Do Something You Enjoy

Make time for activities that make you happy. This could be anything from reading a book, painting, cooking, or playing a game. Doing something fun can take your mind off stress and bring you joy.

9. Set Boundaries

It’s okay to say no. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to set limits. Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, setting boundaries helps you manage your time and energy better.

10. Seek Professional Help

If stress feels too much to handle on your own, it’s okay to seek help from a professional. Therapists and counselors are trained to help you work through stress and find healthy coping strategies.


Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to take over. By incorporating these self-care routines into your daily life, you can manage stress better and feel more in control. Remember, it’s important to take care of yourself. You deserve to feel good. So start today and find what works best for you!



Teddy Szn
Growth, Life, Lessons

Exploring the intersection of technology and AI. I delve into the latest trends, uncover smart tips, and share insights on leveraging technology for growthʕ•͡•ʔ