Undermining The Traditional Family

Subversion is creeping into your household

Charlene Ann Mildred
Growth, Life, Lessons
4 min readApr 22, 2024


Beautiful Family Photo — Image from DAPA Images on CANVA PRO

One powerful tactic in psychological warfare stands out: subversion. Yuri Bezmenov discussed this technique in his 1983 lecture. It uses Sun Tzu’s The Art of War principle: the best way to fight is to subvert, not confront.

These is about Western civilization.

They include freedom of conscience and speech. They also include personal duty and a deep reverence for the nuclear family. Our Christian heritage roots are the ideals. They have helped create a society. We cherish freedom and have strong families. But ideologies that seek to reshape our society’s foundational structures threaten these pillars.

Many people viewed the nuclear family as the foundation of a strong society. It now faces new challenges in modern America. Children from two-parent families have better education and mental health. They are better off than those from single-parent homes.

Meanwhile, no-fault divorce laws have arrived. Society has become more accepting of single parenthood and non-traditional families. These changes have further eroded this foundation.

No-fault divorce decreases marital fertility. Couples are less likely to stay together and have fewer children. The rise of single parenthood has hit women the hardest. They bear the brunt of raising children alone. This hurts both mothers and their children.

The sexual revolution and the acceptance of birth control have changed attitudes. They have changed them toward reproduction and family life. Advancing careers matters more than starting a family. Society has become more accepting of polygamy and raising children outside of marriage. These trends and a national decline in birth rates show a change. A change in how society values the family is evident in their actions.

Feminism has prompted a reevaluation of traditional roles. It has pitted personal advancement against family commitments. The corporate has supported working mothers. It did this by offering little maternity leave. It also glamorized the “girl boss” identity. This has created an environment. People see long-term commitments with more and more doubt. These include marriage and childbirth.

Subversion or evolution?

The question remains:

Did subversion cause these changes?

Or did they happen as values evolved?

Blaming outside ideologies is tempting. We must also think of the role of changing societal norms. Ideological subversion’s fingerprints are unmistakable in academia, media, and politics, where radical ideas thrive.

They discourage raising children due to a climate crisis or an oppressive society. Such beliefs weaken the traditional family model. They promote a future vision focusing less on family and more on individualism and the environment.

Despite these challenges, traditional family values are still thriving in some areas. States like Utah have a strong Mormon community and regions with high Christian religiosity. These communities continue to have higher fertility rates and more stable families. These communities offer a blueprint. They show how family values can thrive even in modern America.

It’s critical to see these significant effects on future generations. The weakening of the traditional family harms society and poses substantial risks for future stability.

These children usually do better in school, have higher self-esteem, and have fewer behavior problems than their peers. They are from disrupted families. However, many culture are eroding this family model. They threaten to reduce its benefits for all of society. This affects not only lives but also the community. It could increase reliance on state resources and reduce economic and social energy.

Declining birth rates and unstable families have significant economic implications. A small workforce can’t support a growing elderly population, leading to financial crises, as in Japan and Italy. Family breakups put more weight on the state, adding to the burden on public resources and reducing personal and communal duty.

Many facets of Western culture, from educational curricula to entertainment and media narratives, reflect Cultural Marxism and its disdain for traditional family values. This theory redefines the concept of family, promoting one that aligns with political agendas rather than societal health. These influences are the first step in counteracting them. Awareness and critical thinking are for those wishing to preserve traditional values during these shifts.

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Charlene Ann Mildred
Growth, Life, Lessons

I'm a writer and content creator who loves to share tips on how to maximize your productivity. Email: charleneannmildredfbarroga@gmail.com