Portfolio Review Meet #1 — #IDFBLR

20th Aug 17 — BORN Group

Interaction Design Foundation-India
4 min readAug 10, 2017


India’s expanding creative community — Mr. Kavan Antani

Kavan, Founder & CEO at IndieFolio kickstarted the event by an aspiring speech on his inspiration to start IndieFolio.

And it was quite surprising to know about IndieFilio’s new products and services to help India’s creative community.


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How to build a UX/UI Portfolio — Mr. Aashish Solanki

Aashish is the Co-founder of Netbramha Studios and a successful event series DesignDay. also he is part of many initiatives in Design industry.

As he was explaining the difference between Business thinking & Design thinking, he thrown a question to the audience — “How would you like to re-design a Kettle?”

And there were plenty of ideas flowing in just 2 minutes. Some of them.

Make the neck larger, so that it would be easy to clean.

Make it better insulated so we won’t get our fingers burned.

Make it portable, then we can carry them while traveling. etc.

And he clarified that all these falls under Business thinking because we are taking an approach of converge thinking, thus we are struck to the Kettle than it’s purpose!

Further he explained that Design thinking is an approach of diverging and re-defining the problem, then we all are good at solving that right problem. Then the Kettle may not be there at the first place, as there are much easier options to boil water.

He urged us designers should be problem solvers, and we should carry professional ethics as doctors do.

And the talk continued with topics like importance of Storytelling, Edge cases, Design with Pride, Difference between Art and Design etc.

Ideas & Storytelling @ BORN — Mr. Sushant Jain

Sushant is Creative art director at BORN Group and leading UX team. and he was one of the reason for this event came to a reality, as he showed interest to host an event at his workspace.

Indeed his presentation was random and vibrant as art. He shared his insights gained over these years of experience. and how Art & UX works at BORN.

Art matters — Design is an Skelton that orders process and Art gives the soul

Necessity of coming back to paper and pencil

Stay connected with people from your industry, so you may not have to introduce yourself to them on an interview.

Portfolio Review

Santosh Hegde — Visual & UI

Sandeep Karmarkar — UX & Mentoring

Sameer Bhiwani — UX & Mentoring

Sushant Jain — Creative & Storytelling

Ronita De — User Experience & Coach

Verdict by Reviewers

Showcase your approach than some colorful pixels.

Break your process/solution into steps and explain them.

Use offline events as well as online mediums to keep connected with industry.

You have to do an analysis back how you gonna suits to an organisation.


It’s always super valuable to get time from industry insiders — Sourav Sarkar

This is the third event that I’ve attended so far and it just gets better each time. I’ve gained good insights in every event — Saja Skanda

I am missing the Great events, Hope I will join at least one event in near future — Mohamed Askar

