User Research — #IDFBLR

Talk by Mr. Dilip Chetan

Interaction Design Foundation-India
3 min readJul 21, 2017


82 registrations for a weekday evening session pays off our collective efforts, and motivates us to do extensive sessions in future.

Mr. Dilip Chetan started the session with a statement “We are not gonna talk about methods in this session” as it used to be the repetition of same all Interviews, Card sorting, Heuristic evaluation etc…

And he kickstarted a fun packed session with his interesting narration. Some major points as follows..

What is Research?

Process by which you collect data, generate insights and use those insights to initiate change.

Why bother with research?

Because you want to make an intelligent decision.

4 stages of evidence based product development

Stage 0

No research , pure intuition, no evidence, highest risk. Impact: Not applicable

Stage 1

Usability testing, High intuition, some evidence, High risk. Impact: Some features become more usable

Stage 2

An array of methods, some intuition, significant evidence, Medium risk. Impact: Product wide

Stage 3

No research, some intuition, Maximum evidence, lowest risk. Impact: Company wide

Big Data & Small/Qualitative Data

How Google analytics helped Trump to have insights about he would win the election!

Why cornflake packs are designed with bright colors on top and subtle colors at the bottom!

Why Apple designers&engineers put much effort for iPhone box opening experience!

Why BMW engineered with artificial roar sound inside the cabin and what made the company to re-think on adding “Cup-holders”?!

What does it make to make research successful in your organisation ?

  1. Listening is the willingness to change.
  2. Questioning everything.
  3. Ask the right question for everything. Irrational needs
  4. Understand the level and quality of data. Knowing the target audience.

3 key things to a successful organisation

  1. Research insights
  2. Creative genius
  3. Organisational support

He concluded the session by announcing about his book to be published around this year. “Ignite Your Research Mojo - Dilip Chetan”

Followed by Q&A session & Casual networking

Who all were registered

Live stream footage of the event

Special thanks to BlueJeans Network India & Mr. Sameer Bhiwani

