Interaction Design Foundation-India
4 min readMay 2, 2018

Attendees: List, SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2018

User Experience design is booming. There’s a shortage of good designers in the market. Changing your career and dive into an exciting creative world of designing apps and websites?

We’ve got a short weekend Session on how to start a career in UX. You’ll leave with plenty of knowledge on what UX design is all about.

Introduction & How to Start your Career in User Experience Design #UX : Talk by SHALAKA KUKREJA Lead — Product Experience Design @ Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

How to Build a UI/UX Portfolio and Job opportunities available on IndieFolio : Talk by KAVAN ANTANI Co-Founder & CEO of IndieFolio

IndieFolio is India’s largest online market network for creative professionals. The Indian creative community is the largest in the world with plenty more getting access to internet every single day. Inspite of the massive potential, it is yet under-appreciated and primarily untapped. The need to build a platform which will cater to all the requirements of the Indian creative ecosystem led to the inception of IndieFolio. At IndieFolio, our mission is to create an integrated creative platform for students, professionals, institutes and design focused companies.
And it was quite surprising to know about IndieFolio’s new products and services to help India’s creative community.

About Hustlers Theater Group

The Hustlers is a Theater group based in Mumbai with a vision to create meaningful content.

We believe in quality than quantity. Our aim is to aspire and inspire people.

We believe that a single step take or a single mind changed goes a long way in changing the world.

We have strong topics which we strongly believe are the mirrors of our society and that is why we want it to be seen or felt using the medium of theater. We also like to create custom content on requirement basis for our clients.

About the play : “Parivartan-A positive transformation”

Tina is smart, young and energetic girl who joins Tetris Consultants, she is personally hired by the CEO & MD of the company and introduced to the entire team. This story is about transformations of characters, which we also see every day around us.

The story deals with male to female dynamics and female to female dynamics, obstacles that we face, choices that we make every day and how we live with them. The story explores various facets of how Tina adjusts to the fast, competitive white collar world.

Personas and Journey Maps Workshop by MIHIR PATHARE Sr User Experience Lead @ Fractal ink Design Studio Pvt .Ltd

What is a Persona?

  • Representation of needs, goals, and tasks of segment of users based on research
    • Created for specific purpose
    • Not just about “what” but also “why”
    •Quick visibility of what’s important
    • Align all project stakeholders

Download the complete presentation and template

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Nadeem Khan

Aditi Paithankar

In Collaboration with IIDE

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