Romi Dey
Interaction Design Foundation-India
2 min readMar 29, 2020

Online learning platform — Knowledge Camp (Expert Meet)

IDF Kolkata logo

A famous quotation by Brian Herbert says,

“The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill and the willingness to learn is a choice”.

Knowledge Camp logo


We learn every day, at our workplace, at our home, when do something right and mostly when do we something wrong. Learning never stops. Knowledge sharing never stops.

This is the thought that made me think, as a member of the IDF community…what could be a better way to share our knowledge and learning that we get from our daily life, each day, and we get a chance to share it with like-minded people around me, designers around me?


Hence, IDF Kolkata and Design Kolkata together took an initiative to create a knowledge sharing and learning platform for every designer around the globe, a space where we could join in from anywhere in the world and share our knowledge, along with gathering the same from others, under one umbrella.

Knowledge Camp/ Knowledge Camp — Expert Meet would be the platform which would let any designer from anywhere around the globe share their piece with us. IDF Kolkata would be inviting special guests from the industry frequently who could join us and share their story and experience with the enthusiastic design minds around.


We would be scheduling a weekly or monthly session through ZOOM conference call which would be accessible and easily available for anyone to join in, and from any part of the world.

Our tagline:

Let’s collaborate, share and learn together.

As it’s easily understood, we’d like all of us to collaborate more under the umbrella of Knowledge Camp, share our design stories, ideas, presentations, findings, researches, anything related with each other and learn together.

It would be an interactive session with the option to ask your question to the expert, meet them virtually and open up about your design inquisitiveness.

So, we’d welcome you all to KNOWLEDGE CAMP organized by IDF Kolkata and Design Kolkata. Join us, be a part of it and share your learning.



Romi Dey
Interaction Design Foundation-India

Think. Create. Write. Travel. Deep Talks. Minimalism. Extremes. Human Centric. Poetry. INFJ-A. Empathy.