Attendees : List#1 List#2 List#3

Interaction Design Foundation-India
10 min readApr 5, 2018


In the honour of International Women’s Day: ‘SHE RUN THE WORLD’ -Empowered women, Empower women.

On this women’s day, we bring to you a chance to meet and understand the journey of such Indian women who have excelled in their field, broken barriers and done the unthinkable.

“A Strong woman stands up for herself and stands up for others”

Speaker: Shruthi Mandloi

Topic: Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Is Artificial Intelligence good, bad or ugly? You’ve heard a lot in this area, some supporting AI and some warning against it. But, what is the current state? Where do we stand and where is the world headed towards? Research and work on AI started way back in 1940s, why this sudden popularity over the last few years?

The double-edged sword of Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is a catalyst of transformation in every industry. Organizations that successfully exploit AI can disrupt the market and drive growth. On the hindsight, this creates a fear about the impact on our future. A 2016 report from Forrester predicts that by 2021, intelligent agents and related robots will have eliminated a net 6% of jobs.

There is so much excitement about AI that it is easy to overestimate its current capabilities. But this is only a starting trouble, learning curve of AI is exponential because of the new AI platforms, advanced capabilities, data availability, investment & startups, internet of value, etc, and, the need to prepare for it is an inevitable. Every technological shift in the past has ended up creating more jobs than were destroyed. In our current state, it’s important to understand the impact and re-skilling needed to cope easily with the AI transformation.

If Sophia, the humanoid robot, is made the citizen of Saudi Arabia, imagine what is in store for us Humans and prepare for better.

Speaker: Neha Modgil

Topic: Women Empowerment with financial independence

India is humming with a lot of start-ups and new ones are proliferating at a rapid pace. With so many entrepreneurs, why is it that we see few and far between women entrepreneurs? Are women not proficient or is entrepreneurship too hard? I don’t want to sound a feminist, but women have all the entrepreneur skills required to run a successful venture. They handle domiciliary responsibilities, handling vendors like milkman, vegetable seller etc. negotiating the best deals. They ‘people manage’ well making everyone at home feel valuable and joyous. They plan and organize with exhaustive detailing, never missing a date with their kid’s project work or doctor’s appointment.

It gets challenging to balance family and business, especially when you are playing wife, mom, and director of an organization all together. But I always make sure this balancing act never gets in way of any aspect of my life.

Managing every task with placid yet zealous attitude proves it to all mothers that nothing can come your way.

Speaker: Shweta Doshi

Topic: My EdTech Startup Journey @GreyAtom -On a mission to change the way people learn technology

I am the co-founder of GreyAtom, a path breaking Technology education company and DataGiri, India’s #1 Data Science meetup community. We are changing the way people learn technology via our revolutionary platform commit.live. We started working, out of my home, a team of 9 people. Fast forward 9 months and we have built a product that’s driving learning outcomes for people learning data science, solving real business problems, we have our own 6500 sq ft. office in Mumbai, have more than 200 students, UK’s largest investment bank as our customer, closed our funding round and are now a team of 40!

Start-up asks for a lot of blood, sweat and tears. First, being a founder is hard. Period. Man or woman. Why aren’t there more women founders? I don’t know, and I don’t focus on statistical data on the topic. I do know that you have to be willing to take some pretty big personal risks. It comes with the courage to get on a never ending roller-coaster and keep calm on days when everything is upside down! You need to learn to rewire and work with limited resources. You need to get comfortable with chaos, be ready to build the tracks just before the train is going to arrive.

Speaker: Suhani Mittal

Topic: How an individual needs to create opportunity for himself . (From a student to a company founder)

How many of you would be willing to go for Parasailing?

I’m sure a lot of you would be interested. At least I would.

If i say, there wont be any canopy wing attached. Now, how many of you would like to jump off that cliff ?

Did removing canopy wing affect your decision? Why ?

That’s our smart brain who altered the decision. It is the job of brain to protect us at any cost, I repeat, at any cost from anything harmful. It does everything to keep us away from danger. When a hesitation signal is sent to brain, brain magnifies the impact of that problem to pull us away from the danger. That is how amazing our brain is !

Now for a person who is trying something new, this is even worse. The problems have been magnified now.

For me, Opening a UX Design Studio, receiving an Early Stage Entrepreneur award and then becoming a visiting faculty in MITID was super exciting but scary as hell! What if the venture fails ?!

What if we don’t get the kind of projects we are aiming towards ?! What if we don’t get projects at all ?! What if we are not able to overcome hurdles ?! What if we are miserable after a span of years ?!

There’s always a fear of failure every time hesitation signal is sent to the brain. And brain magnifies the impact. How to deal with that ?!

Remember brain, the idiot brain who magnifies all the problems, the same Brain has the ability to make way for all the important things. Tell me one thing, If you have a deadline to meet and a lot of work is left, what would you usually do? Work for late hours, Work on weekends, probably postpone a family holiday, Basically, do almost everything to make sure, to give our best shot in accomplishing the assigned task. Here, brain is prioritizing what is important

So now, the only thing we need to figures out is — ‘How to create a mechanism to help brain understand what is on highest priority for us’ Now for this, Few years back, I found mechanism. I found a tool. A blessing. A magnet which attracted all the amazing opportunities which came my way. Not only it brought exciting opportunities to me but also gave me strength to overcome hurdles. All my achievements, are the result of that tool. It changed my life. It is — POWER OF VISUALIZATION’

In 2016, I wanted to do amazing UX projects, be a design thinker, be a leader, give back to the community, be recognized. Also, I religiously follow 2 design resources and out of which one is this platform, where I am sharing my journey of being an Entrepreneur.

It looks like a miracle to me to achieve so much in a span of such short time. but i would like to call this miracle as power of visualization. I scribbled on paper what is really important for me. And everyday I kept looking at it. These stayed constantly in back of my head.

POWER OF VISUALIZATION is a method to increase the intensity of your vision. It helps brain understand what is on highest priority. A method to increase the intensity of your vision. Once you identify your vision, the only step remaining is handing over the task to brain. Telling brain what is important. How badly you want it.

If brain understands how important it is for you, it will definitely make sure the best possible way is identified to accomplish. You need to tell brain, this is high priority. And rest brain will take care !

About Hustlers Theater Group

The Hustlers is a Theater group based in Mumbai with a vision to create meaningful content.

We believe in quality than quantity. Our aim is to aspire and inspire people.

We believe that a single step take or a single mind changed goes a long way in changing the world.

We have strong topics which we strongly believe are the mirrors of our society and that is why we want it to be seen or felt using the medium of theater. We also like to create custom content on requirement basis for our clients.

About the play : “Parivartan-A positive transformation”

Tina is smart, young and energetic girl who joins Tetris Consultants, she is personally hired by the CEO & MD of the company and introduced to the entire team. This story is about transformations of characters, which we also see every day around us.

The story deals with male to female dynamics and female to female dynamics, obstacles that we face, choices that we make every day and how we live with them. The story explores various facets of how Tina adjusts to the fast, competitive white collar world.

Stay connected

Special thanks to TECHVED Consulting for sponsoring the event.

Interested in sponsoring our next event? Contact us at idf-india@outlook.com

About TECHVED Consulting

TECHVED is a leading “Global Usability & Design Company” based in Southeast Asia with extensive experience and providing whole host of Usability Services. We have extended our services to various sectors and are well-known in BFSI, eCommerce, eLearning, Healthcare, Telecom and Electronics. We stay a step ahead of the emerging UX trends by co-creating exceptional solutions with a combination of creativity, strategy and excellent execution


Nadeem Khan

Aditi Paithankar

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