X to UX — How to Transition to UX? #IDFBLR

Shubham Bhatt
Interaction Design Foundation-India
4 min readJul 30, 2019

There are certain events that makes you proud of being a part of such community which selflessly makes effort to bring the best out of each other.

And this X to UX event by IDF was one such.

Also, I must have attended a dozen of UX events in the past one year but never had such a good laugh at any.

So, this event in particular was a very curated one. Once the registration link was opened, we instantly got more then 100+ registrations.

The team curated the people from the list as we had limited capacity.

That being said, let me brief you what the event was all about?

This X to UX event was specifically for those people who want to transition to UX from some other profession.

And the good thing about this event was that, all the speakers out there have done the same.

Don’t believe me, see the speakers profiles for yourself.

The validation moment regarding the success of the event occurred to me when one of the speakers asked how does it feel? And then one of the fellow attendee said that it feels less like a loser.

For me in particular, the best part was when Pradeep told his journey of becoming a UX researcher. How he became an intern at the age of 30 to learn this skill and that was awe inspiring.

Also, When greema joy shared her story of coming out from depression and telling how the events of IDF helped her in where she currently is awe inspiring.

Once the speakers were done sharing their experiences, some activities were planned.

And like always, I’ll be walking you through the key learnings of the session.

  1. Start somewhere. The hardest thing while transitioning is getting overwhelmed by the information and pro people put there. You will get there but with practice.
  2. Is this field for me? This question comes quite often. Let it not disgrace your journey.
  3. In order to know what you want to do, you should know what you don’t want to do. And it’s okay, if you are lost for a while, you will certainly get there. Just put in the work and keep exploring.
  4. The resume building sessions with Sridhar sir was insightful where he showed by example how Resume should look like for different verticals of designers.

Once the sessions were done, we were all set to networking and I found a couple of people who were from different professions or educational backgrounds looking to transition to UX. And it was good to see them willing to make the transition.

The session ended with ArunKumar sharing a very insightful and minimal presentation on what are the prerequisites of venturing into design and how to go about it?

The FAD model explained by ArunKumar

Special thanks to Pradeep from Bluejeans networks for hosting us.

Looking forward to more of such events in future.

P.S: I might have missed out on a lot of details about the event because, I couldn’t jot down the notes during the event.

Some glimpses of the event.

Feedback wall

Thank you.

I also write at UX Sprout.

Connect — IDF Bengaluru Community

