Open Source Digital Mirror

Abhiroop Cvk
Interaction Design Studio 2018
2 min readNov 6, 2018

Inspiration for this comes from ‘THE Mirror” that exists on the landing lobby on the ITP Department’s floor in the NYU Tisch Building.

NYU Tisch Mirror Thing

This contraption basically is a 2D array of wooden tiles, that flip when someone walks in front of it.

I love this because it doesn’t need any instructions, and works so well in creating an interactive experience that is still fun.

While a hardware version is really cool, what is really cool is an open source software version of this.

Imagine this for a second:

  1. We create a version of this mirror that is interactive in 3D space (rather than a 2D mirror)
  2. Anyone can download the code for this, and set it up as their own interactive art piece on any device with a camera and a screen (TV, Computer, Mobile etc)
  3. Anyone can build upon or tweak the code to adopt it for their own needs
  4. Offices won’t be fucking boring any longer because it will now become so easy to create a cool interactive art piece, with minimal set up.

Sounds cool no?

Example p5js project

By not only focussing on ease of use, and affordability for the actual setup in BAM, but also the ease of use for anyone to either download, or access the app online for their own use, the end goal is to create a perfect package that can be accessed by everyone — media enthusiasts, artists, and boring office people who realize they are boring and what to stop being boring alike.

Kapisch? :)



Abhiroop Cvk
Interaction Design Studio 2018

Co-Founder & COO @ Sophire. Designer by day, artist by night.