Bringing out the Wisdom — The Motivation Behind my Thesis


We invest our entire lives in learning new things, gaining experiences and creating stories. For every time we fail, we learn something new. For every challenge we overcome, we get a little wiser. Even though sometimes it feels like we are the first and only ones facing these challenges, there has always been someone who went through the same.

If there is one thing I learned during my traveling it’s that people are more similar than they are unique. On a human level, the challenges that people face daily are very similar and they have been so for decades. How to deal with the loss of a family member? How to make long lasting friends? How to find your passion?

On a human level, the challenges that people face daily are very similar and they have been so for decades.

The beautiful thing is that all around the world, people have come up with their own ways to tackle these challenges. I believe that as a result, the solutions to our personal challenges lie in the experiences and stories of others. Collectively people hold an incredible wisdom that remains untapped. Every person has gone through something we can all learn from. Every person has something to share that can teach us, regardless of this person’s race, age, or social status.

I believe that collectively people hold an incredible wisdom that remains untapped.

The story of a mother in Asia who lost her baby could help us to deal with our own loss. A mistake from a friend can prevent us from doing the same. Advice from an American entrepreneur can give us the confidence to start our own business.

However we live in a society where wisdom isn’t emphasized. Intelligence is. We unwisely use IQ tests to choose our future society leaders. (2016, Sternberg) Knowledge is power. Especially now the internet provides us to an enormous knowledge database, knowing how to rightfully apply this knowledge for a common good becomes even more important.

We live in a society where wisdom isn’t emphasized. Intelligence is.

In times of enormous technological advancements, including possibly destructive technologies, the wisdom to know how to use this technology becomes even more important. This mismatch between the development of technology and the lack of development of wisdom, places the world at a risk. (2016, Sternberg)

So during my thesis I want to tap into people’s wisdom. Sure, the devaluation of wisdom is a societal problem, of which solving is far beyond my capabilities. However I believe that a positive change starts with bringing out the wisdom that is already there.

Sternberg, R. J. (2016, August 09). Center for Practical Wisdom Research Forum: Robert J. Sternberg 2016. Retrieved January 22, 2017, from

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Martijn van den Broeck
Interaction Design Thesis Martijn

Designer at Google Chrome for iOS - Interned at IDEO - Umeå Institute of Design Alumni