Thank You

Paul van Zyl
Interactive Mind
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1 min readApr 24, 2016


It’s been a little under a year since I started this experiment, and to my surprise we’ve just peaked over ten thousand subscribers, and we’re still growing. I want to thank all of you who’ve shared your stories, thoughts, and ideas through Interactive Mind and would like to encourage you to continue to do so.

I’ve personally learned so much in the last year, and I’m sure I’m not alone. If you have some advice, practical experience, some failures, or stories of success, join the conversation, and send us a submission.

The world of UI and UX is evolving rapidly and I hope that it will continue to be source of learning, inspiration and conversation for 2016 and beyond.



Paul van Zyl
Interactive Mind

lover of bright lights, loud noises, and shiny magic boxes, Founder & Principal Consultant at Sigma Digital,